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Apple Replacing Some iPad 2s for Backlight Bleeding Issues

Picked up my iPad 2 yesterday and immediately noticed the backlight bleed because I turned it on in the dark. I think it makes sense to wait a while to replace it until Apple fixes the production issue, but my question is when you get it replaced, will the techs transfer all your information from the old iPad to the new one?

No. Just make sure you back it up in iTunes before going to the Apple store and you can restore it to the replacement unit when you get home.

My name is Joe and I am a new member of this forum.

I saw this issue in regards to the "screen bleeding" and it caught my attention. When I purchased the iPad the Friday it came out, I noticed this right away and had it exchanged the next day March 12. The rep from apple told me that I was the first person to ever call about the iPad 2 and now I see more people have had this problem. Unfortunately I still have this issue and I am trying to resolve it even though it was swapped it, it's still persists.

Well see what happens.

I had my iPad 2 for several days before I knew the potential problem exists. Rarely is my screen completely black but learned you could use Photo and cover camera lens to make screen black. Anyway,like when watching a video or viewing photos, or in some games. __________________
I have the same problem too, but getting a replacement from Apple is a real pain, especially when all iPad 2's are out of stock here in the UK. They'll probably give me a quote of a 2 week replacement date... Which is awfully long, besides the bleeding issue isn't really a problem, it's Harley noticeable and doesn't really affect me... But I agree that for most people you pay almost a grand for a device and want it to be perfect, I guess Apple were too quick releasing the iPad 2, given production/manufacturing issues they had
Legion, have you visited an Apple Store and asked them for a replacement? The Apple stores do keep replacement units in store, even when they don't have any units left for sale.
Just got mine this past weekend and did the check. I do have some minor bleed and was only noticeable when I turned up the brightness and went to a black screen. I also read on another website from a tech writer that also replaced his first one and the second one still had problems. He recommends waiting it out till Apple actually has it fixed before trying to do any exchanges since so many replacements are also bad. But he did recommend getting a case number from Apple so they have a record of your issue.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
Legion, have you visited an Apple Store and asked them for a replacement? The Apple stores do keep replacement units in store, even when they don't have any units left for sale.

Really? Didn't know about that, thanks! But I will be keeping my current iPad just in case, besides it isn't really noticeable anyway. Apple really are to be blamed for this, but chances are that the replacement iPad will still have the issue, you cannot be sure and they don't check them as well, so I don't think its worth doing so, maybe the bleeding issue will go away after prolong use, as Apple have stated; it's just the glue which helps the screen stay in place, and needs certain amount of time to dry and harden properly.
Legion93 said:
Really? Didn't know about that, thanks! But I will be keeping my current iPad just in case, besides it isn't really noticeable anyway. Apple really are to be blamed for this, but chances are that the replacement iPad will still have the issue, you cannot be sure and they don't check them as well, so I don't think its worth doing so, maybe the bleeding issue will go away after prolong use, as Apple have stated; it's just the glue which helps the screen stay in place, and needs certain amount of time to dry and harden properly.

Yes. Got mine replaced yesterday, even though the Apple Store here in Scotland was sold out. The new one has the same bleeding though, so apart from being back at iOS 4.3 was there no benefit whatsoever in getting a replacement.
I have a question. For those like me who are delaying purchasing an iPad 2 until the screen bleeding issue is resolved, how will we known when apple resolves the issue and begins distributing updated units? Is there some reliable source of this info? I just talked to several people at Apple and they acted surprised that this was an issue at all (oh yeah, just do a Google search or look at any iPad 2 forum!).
I have a question. For those like me who are delaying purchasing an iPad 2 until the screen bleeding issue is resolved, how will we known when apple resolves the issue and begins distributing updated units? Is there some reliable source of this info? .

This is a very good question! I would like to know the answer to it as well. Some of our very smart members, I bet, could answer that.

Hang in there ~ Or you could start a new thread, if you so wish. Could be very informative, actually, and may get a better response.
quagman said:
Picked up my iPad 2 yesterday and immediately noticed the backlight bleed because I turned it on in the dark. I think it makes sense to wait a while to replace it until Apple fixes the production issue, but my question is when you get it replaced, will the techs transfer all your information from the old iPad to the new one?

quagman said:
Picked up my iPad 2 yesterday and immediately noticed the backlight bleed because I turned it on in the dark. I think it makes sense to wait a while to replace it until Apple fixes the production issue, but my question is when you get it replaced, will the techs transfer all your information from the old iPad to the new one?

Yes, you need to bring your Apple computer with you. Make sure you back up before you get there through itunes. I replaced my Ipad One. Had a problem with screen. You will have to reenter all passwords.
Legion93 said:
Really? Didn't know about that, thanks! But I will be keeping my current iPad just in case, besides it isn't really noticeable anyway. Apple really are to be blamed for this, but chances are that the replacement iPad will still have the issue, you cannot be sure and they don't check them as well, so I don't think its worth doing so, maybe the bleeding issue will go away after prolong use, as Apple have stated; it's just the glue which helps the screen stay in place, and needs certain amount of time to dry and harden properly.

You are conflating two different issues. The glue-sorting business causes yellow tint, and it was mostly a problem with iPad 1. The bleeding thing is different, and it won't fix itself.
rdclark said:
You are conflating two different issues. The glue-sorting business causes yellow tint, and it was mostly a problem with iPad 1. The bleeding thing is different, and it won't fix itself.

Well that's what an Apple representative told me, I went to get a replacement and they said that just give it a couple weeks of use and it will go away, obviously I know that it isn't going to happen so the best thing to do is wait and see, but I doubt it will go away.
This is my backlight issue. I don't know if it's a problem and didn't realize it till I turned my device off.


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