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Apple Replacing Some iPad 2s for Backlight Bleeding Issues

Clearly this is a manufacturing defect (which probably arises from a design defect) that affects all current iPad 2 samples to a variable degree. Therefore any replacement from current stock is Almost certain to have the same issue, to some degree.

Thus, IMO, only owners with the most severe instances -- clearly noticeable in everyday usage with brightness set midrange -- should bother with an exchange now, because you could get one that's worse.

When Apple announces that the issue has been solved and that newly manufactured units are free of it -- and there is serial number data to tell us our replacement is a "good" one -- will be the time to arrange a replacement.

Easy for me to say, of course, since my 64gb white Verizon shows bleed only under extreme conditions and waiting is not a problem for me.

Going by a report on iLounge today, it would appear that the backlight bleeding problem on iPad 2s has been acknowledged by Apple, so much so that Apple is now swapping iPad 2s that are presenting with the issue. However, according to the iLounge report, several of their readers have informed them that the replacement iPad 2 that they have been given still has the same problem as the one that was deemed faulty, and in fact some of them are even worse. The above photo comes from the iLounge website, and shows an original iPad 2 on the left, and the iPad 2 replacement for the faulty unit on the right, which appears to have even more backlight bleed on the edge of the screen than the one on the left.

iLounge’s editors have tested seven iPad 2s, and found one to be perfectly fine with no sign of any backlight bleed issues, three that only have a problem when used in very dark conditions with the brightness turned all the way up, and the rest where the problem is clearly visible on dark screens when viewed in daylight.

Source: Reports: iPad 2 replacements still bleed light | iLounge News

I don't know if this is as big of a problem as everyone seems to think. I clicked on the link above link and the article in question is dated Thursday, March 17, 2011 as of this writing it is April 16, 2011. If my memory serves, the ipad 2 was released on March 11, 2011. It's very possible that they fixed the problem and if you're waiting for your ipad (like I am), I would think that we shouldn't have anything to worry about.

Also, I called Apple yesterday to ask about this issue and the guy in customer service told me (his exact words) "this is the first I've heard of it". He Googled "screen bleeding" and found out more about it.

My feeling is that if it was a widespread issue, the guys in customer service would be the first to know about it b/c they would be getting all the complaints. Of course it's always possible that he was lying but I did not get that impression. As I said, I really don't think we have anything to worry about. I'm sure Apple doesn't want to piss off anymore customers than they already have due to wait times for receiving it.
I got my iPad on launch day in the UK. Noticed really bad backlight leakage / bleeding issues all around the edge of my screen so I've waited a while and taken it back today. They had units available to swap out ( in brown boxes not normal retail version ) however both the units they had ALSO had leakage, the guy was good enough to go check for me!! The last one they tried was the best so I agreed to take that and if it is still bugging me I can try again in a few weeks!! As I was leaving after an hour with a defective unit they were kind enough to give me a Smart Cover.

They said that there is nothing on official apple sites or even any into on the sites stores only have access to. The Genius said that he'd not seen the issue before and nobody else had been in reporting the same issue. Not sure if I believe!

Anyway, just got done restoring to my new iPad. Had a major drama getting the apps back. Initially they wouldn't come back at all. I had to sync them onto the iPad and then restore from backup to get all the apps, app data and folder arrangement back. No way am I losing my Angry Birds score!!! Does anyone else know why iTunes is so bloody awkward?

Does anyone have a unit that does not have bleeding issues??
I just got off the phone with customer service at Apple in California. In the end, they told me to call my local Apple store and talk to a sales associate about this issue. They also did indeed confirm that they were having problems screen bleeding.
OK. I just got off the phone with my local Apple store (Chicago). I spoke with a sales associate and he told me that Apple's official stance is that there is no problem. He also added his personal opinion and experience at that particular store which was...

1. He has an ipad 2 (which he got on opening day) and he has no problems with it.

2. He hasn't seen anyone returning their iPad due to this issue.

3. Nor has he heard in that particular store of anyone returning their iPad due to this particular issue.

However, I want to stress that this was this particular sales associate's personal opinion and experience at that particular store and not Apple's official position.

In the end, it is as I have said before, we know that the problem exists but I believe that the problem is small and is being worked on. I'm getting my iPad next week and I'll let you all know what happens.
Check out this pod cast on YouTube. He says that one theory as to the cause of the screen bleeding are the magnets on the smart cover.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRIknwmNJ1g&feature=fvwrel]YouTube - iPad 2 Screen Bleeding?[/ame]
heybutch1 said:
I got my iPad on launch day in the UK. Noticed really bad backlight leakage / bleeding issues all around the edge of my screen so I've waited a while and taken it back today. They had units available to swap out ( in brown boxes not normal retail version ) however both the units they had ALSO had leakage, the guy was good enough to go check for me!! The last one they tried was the best so I agreed to take that and if it is still bugging me I can try again in a few weeks!! As I was leaving after an hour with a defective unit they were kind enough to give me a Smart Cover.

They said that there is nothing on official apple sites or even any into on the sites stores only have access to. The Genius said that he'd not seen the issue before and nobody else had been in reporting the same issue. Not sure if I believe!

Anyway, just got done restoring to my new iPad. Had a major drama getting the apps back. Initially they wouldn't come back at all. I had to sync them onto the iPad and then restore from backup to get all the apps, app data and folder arrangement back. No way am I losing my Angry Birds score!!! Does anyone else know why iTunes is so bloody awkward?

Does anyone have a unit that does not have bleeding issues??

I purchased mine on US launch day and I don't have any bleeding
I also purchased mine on launch day. A long eight hour day. Still have a problem. It isn't noticeable during use so I don't know what to do.
Here is the first of two YouTube pod casts that might answer some questions about this issue.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5QLHUouyUQ]YouTube - Answering the Issue of Screen Bleeding on iPad 2[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5QLHUouyUQ]YouTube - Answering the Issue of Screen Bleeding on iPad 2[/ame]

What do you think?
Oops! I made a mistake! Here is the second video.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5QLHUouyUQ]YouTube - Answering the Issue of Screen Bleeding on iPad 2[/ame]

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