I had a problem with my I-Pas( Cloud issue) and after trying Best Buy( where I purchased it) they tried their best and failed.I drove 30 minutes to the closest Apple Store . All I can say is it was the " model of excellence" on every level. Super organized
, friendly, competent and fast ! The store was mobbed( always is), but immediately a nice, young guy holding an I-Pad came up to me and said: " Hello sir , how can Apple assist you today ?". Within 20 minutes he had made an appt for me with a tech associate and my problem was solved. When I got home there was an e-mail waiting that thanked me for coming in and assured me the Apple Store would always be there for any issue I had with my I-Pad or I- Phone.
Apple makes beautiful de ices of extreme quality and now I know has great customer support.
, friendly, competent and fast ! The store was mobbed( always is), but immediately a nice, young guy holding an I-Pad came up to me and said: " Hello sir , how can Apple assist you today ?". Within 20 minutes he had made an appt for me with a tech associate and my problem was solved. When I got home there was an e-mail waiting that thanked me for coming in and assured me the Apple Store would always be there for any issue I had with my I-Pad or I- Phone.
Apple makes beautiful de ices of extreme quality and now I know has great customer support.