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Apple stores getting mass shipment tuesdays

hoshnasi said:
How many did they get in?

Sent from my HTC Glacier

16, only wifi. Luckily I was number seven in line, the other 50 had to leave without the device...
And it was only one device per person, which I think is great under the given circumstances!!
Anyone know if stores are getting att/3G?
It looks like the bulk has been wireless.
Stores going to be doing the 9am thing on sat?
I stopped by the Apple store at 7:30am. Line was 70 long at that point. First in line set up before 4:00am :( Apple staff came out at 8:00 with seven tickets. People were bummed.

I didn't bother asking on specs and just left.
It may be just me, but you would think, the IPad 2 would have already been here, already in warehouse, waiting for the announcement on 3/1. The people at Apple should have had better foresight.
It may be just me, but you would think, the IPad 2 would have already been here, already in warehouse, waiting for the announcement on 3/1. The people at Apple should have had better foresight.

Better foresight to have known a 9.0 earthquake with a devastating tsunami would occur on launch day, slowing down supply production? Oh sure.
And restricting supply keeps up demand. The longer the iPad 2 is a hot item, the better for Apple.
can someone tell me how long was it before the first iPad was sitting on shelves? (without lines, etc.) Even given the tragic earthquake and everything else in the news...this is kind of ridiculous. It's not even close to a holiday season. Clearly Apple couldn't care less if customers get there items fast. They know we'll buy it anyway, so why hurry? :/ annoying
can someone tell me how long was it before the first iPad was sitting on shelves? (without lines, etc.) Even given the tragic earthquake and everything else in the news...this is kind of ridiculous. It's not even close to a holiday season. Clearly Apple couldn't care less if customers get there items fast. They know we'll buy it anyway, so why hurry? :/ annoying

Sorry, but you do read the news, right?

2 factories in Japan that produce two of the five major components in the iPad have not been in operation since the earthquake/tsunami.

You seriously think that Apple doesn't want to sell iPads, while they're stock continues to drop?

I got up at 4:45 this morning to make sure that I had a chance to get an iPad 2. Yes they are hard to get. I've been wanting one since launch day, but unfortunately, there has been a catastrophic disaster that has cost thousands of lives in Japan and the severely damaged nuclear reactors are no joke either.

Honestly, there are more important things in life than producing parts for Apple's newest device. I personally find your assessment of Apple not caring to be crass and ignorant. I'm not personally attacking you. I do however completely disagree with your personal view of the situation.

There are way more people who want iPads than there are to go around. It is possible to get an iPad 2. You may have to wake up extra early on your next day off to get one, but it is possible. I got one this morning, though I didn't expect to.

If Apple didn't care, they wouldn't have allowed it's employees affected by the earthquake to take time off with any extra travel expenses paid for by Apple, nor raise money for relief efforts, or allow it's retail stores to be used to help families stay in contact. All the while, their attention towards their customers hasn't changed, despite an already in high demand product has been made even more scarce due to the circumstances.
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Why so hurry?

Gonna tell u why, cause

1. i die reading all the threads of people who got theirs already and talk about this and that.

2. I got no tablet rite now at all and browse with my IPhone which is kinda sucky compared to a tablet i had before

3. looking at the whole picture, IPad 3 will come up in one and a half year. Missing a month means u spend same money for fewer time, since Apple stuff drops prices only at the time the next generarion comes up which you wanna get then.

I already think in circles, the potential life of an IPad is maxed in 2 years, if you gonna exchange the older generation for the brand new one the life of your IPad drops to 1,5 years.

Sounds sick i know but since theres no chance to uPgrade your IPad u have the choice to stay with the old one until newest Apps arent useable for you or you need to get rid of the old generation and get some money from it for the new generation.
First post ever...well I bought my Ipad 32g wifi on 2/25/11 not knowing the Ipad 2 was coming out. I asked the guy at Best Buy and he said nothing,so I bought it thinking woot top of the line. Then to see the Ipad 2 was coming out on 3/11/11. I was mad,but I called the store and I found out I had 2 weeks to return if I wanted to. Also that I could turn it in and get a Ipad 2...boy was I geeked. Only thing was I couldnt get there at the 5o'clock start time. So I missed out. Called and they had me come in and pre-order for the next batch. So here I sit and wait....And I know alot of you are all worried about getting them....just relax....hate to see some of you have heart attacks because of a little old ipad. The company will get them out,8.9 earthquake didnt help. But most people should be just happy that they are not in Japan and pray for the people that are......and all just take a breath and just breathe.
Mass Delivery of 5 ???? Don't waste your time!!!!

I was in line at the Apple Store at Somerset Mall in Troy, Michigan:
on Friday, March 11,
Sunday March 12,
Friday March 18 and
Saturday, March 19.
On the opening day, March 11, they might have had 50 iPads for sale and they told the other 500 people in the line to come back Sunday. On Sunday, they had not received a new shipment!
Since the middle of last week they are telling customers that the store was getting "daily supplies" and that they were opening at 9am (rather then 10am) to sell iPads.
I went twice, on Friday there were about 80 people waiting, today about 50 :confused:. Yesterday they opended at 9:00 and told people that they had only very few for sales and suggested to come back on Saturday. As I was not in front of the line I left.
Today I went at 7:30 and was about no. 30 in the line. At 8:15 a couple employees came out and gave a few people (maybe 5) at the front of the line tickets for the few iPads they had for sale and told the rest of the people waiting in the line, which included me, to come back next Tuesday. :mad:
Well, I will not go back - this is a waste of valuable time, because I guess the people in front of the line must have been there for half the night with chairs, backpacks, etc. I have ordered one on line anyway, with delivery for mid April. Was just trying to get one earlier and I would have cancelled my order (along with many others) or have taken the product back to the Apple store.
Anyhow, if you plan to go back to a store and stand in line, I wish you better luck :D

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