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Apple Unveils New “What’s A Computer” iPad Pro Video


iPadForums News Team
Apple posts new iPad Pro What's a computer video.webp

Apple has launched a new iPad Pro promotional video entitled “What’s a Computer,” in which it reiterates the idea that the iPad Pro can work very well as a PC replacement. It’s not the first time Apple has released a video along those lines, writes 9to5 Mac, but this is the first such video to concentrate on some of the many iPad Pro enhancements included with iOS 11 that help to make the tablet even more suitable as a PC replacement.

The advertisement shows a child using their 10.5-inch iPad Pro along with a Smart Keyboard and Apple Pencil, both at home and out and about (and even up a tree!). You see them using Microsoft Word to write papers, taking pictures with the rear camera, and sharing annotated screenshots with their friends, among other things. Apple is making sure it’s giving everyone a good look at the new screenshot annotation features as well as the new Dock.

And just to push the point home even more firmly, in the video description Apple proclaims that “with iPad Pro +iOS 11, a post-PC world may be closer than you think.”

Source: Apple challenges the definition of a PC with new ‘What’s a computer’ iPad Pro ad [Video]

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