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Apple will Eventually Issue Patch for Wi-Fi Issues

I resorted to calling Apple for help, after doing absolutely every ridiculous thing the internet pointed out that could be done to waste my time.

Apple cust support said that as a final resort I could restore the iPad, which took most of the night to do. If it didn't work, he said, I could call back for a replacement. It has worked for a week thus far, with the Wifi settings I WANT, not what Apple TELLS ME to set my router to (why do that when I have a MacBook 4 feet away that doesn't put up a fight with the network?). It hasn't forgotten my password yet this time around. The second it does, I'm replacing it.
It sounds like this might be a software problem if restoring the software took care of the problem. I hope I don't have this problem when mine arrives.
Have had wi-fi connectivity issue since day one. Went to Apple Store on second day and was able to connect to their hot spot. It also connects to every other hot spot that I have a password for and one that doesn't require a password. Sounds like my home network is the problem, but I have never had a connectivity issues with it, and I have 3 computers running off of wi-fi and to Internet radios -- all working perfectly with no connectivity issues at all.

What gives?
Have had wi-fi connectivity issue since day one. Went to Apple Store on second day and was able to connect to their hot spot. It also connects to every other hot spot that I have a password for and one that doesn't require a password. Sounds like my home network is the problem, but I have never had a connectivity issues with it, and I have 3 computers running off of wi-fi and 2 Internet radios -- all working perfectly with no connectivity issues at all.

What gives?
Have had wi-fi connectivity issue since day one. Went to Apple Store on second day and was able to connect to their hot spot. It also connects to every other hot spots that I have a password for, and one that doesn't require a password. Sounds like my home network is the problem, but I have never had a connectivity issues with any other devices, and I have 3 computers running off of wi-fi and 2 Internet radios -- all working perfectly with no connectivity issues at all.

What gives?
bump....just bought the 16GB wi-fi only this Sunday (6-13), and mine keeps disconnecting and asking for my wep# again when it reconnects....my ps3 and laptop have no issues with my home wi-fi...does anybody have the latest on this issue? i have not called apple yet but i just want to get some more feedback on this issue if somebody out there has found a solution.....and yes, i do have verizon fios....i know apple might tell me to call verizon and pass the buck.
bump....just bought the 16GB wi-fi only this Sunday (6-13), and mine keeps disconnecting and asking for my wep# again when it reconnects....my ps3 and laptop have no issues with my home wi-fi...does anybody have the latest on this issue? i have not called apple yet but i just want to get some more feedback on this issue if somebody out there has found a solution.....and yes, i do have verizon fios....i know apple might tell me to call verizon and pass the buck.

Why don't you use WPA or WPA2 instead of WEP?...it's safer and it seems to be one of the suggestions Apple has made to remedy the connection issues.
bump....just bought the 16GB wi-fi only this Sunday (6-13), and mine keeps disconnecting and asking for my wep# again when it reconnects....my ps3 and laptop have no issues with my home wi-fi...does anybody have the latest on this issue? i have not called apple yet but i just want to get some more feedback on this issue if somebody out there has found a solution.....and yes, i do have verizon fios....i know apple might tell me to call verizon and pass the buck.

Why don't you use WPA or WPA2 instead of WEP?...it's safer and it seems to be one of the suggestions Apple has made to remedy the connection issues.

Is this something I can do easily? Don't really know much about routers.

If you tell me which router you have I may be able to walk you through the process. Let me know so that I can research it and get back to you...or if you happen to have one of the routers I have experience with, we'll get it done in a jiffy ;)

If you tell me which router you have I may be able to walk you through the process. Let me know so that I can research it and get back to you...or if you happen to have one of the routers I have experience with, we'll get it done in a jiffy ;)

Gilberto, thanks for the offer, i will get the router info for ya.....i also requested assistance from apple, and have scheduled a support for tomorrow (Sat) 9am.....if they actually call me tomorrow, i will be impressed just by that.....i had never been an apple customer but i heard alot of great things about apple and decided to get an ipad...i join the apple world with a good impression of them....i still do..but i hope they wont let me down tomorrow...
Was finally able to connect to my home network thanks to Apple's customer care. They talked me through a reset of the communication settings on my iPad and it worked!
For those of you that have a issue with WEP or encryption in general. You may want to just turn it off. I have a Linksys Router which supports filtering by MAC.

So instead of enabling WEP just allow only certain devices to connect (each wireless iPad or Laptop, etc will have its own MAC address).
This doesn't fix the problem.

I have a Verizon Ultraline Series 3 9100EM. I've switched this to WPA2 and switched it from b&g to 'g' only. Still drops the wifi. (yes I restarted the router).

It seems to drop it less often, but we'll see if that lasts...

Everyone would have been tarring and feathering Microsoft if they'd dared to take this long to produce a software fix for such a big problem...
(yes I know the fanboys will say it is only a minority, but it isn't - the reports first appeared within hours of the ipads going on sale 10 or so weeks ago - a lot of people have reported wifi problems)

I agree with you wholeheartedly...if this was a Microsoft product, they'd be butchering it...although I have to admit, lately Apple seems to be getting more heat for these issues and the recent order problems (although unrelated to them) with the iPhone 4.

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