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iOS 6 Causing Wi-Fi Problems For Some


iPadForums News Team

AppleInsider draws attention today to a massive, 91-page-and-counting thread on Apple’s support forums, which points to quite a few iOS device owners experiencing Wi-Fi connectivity problems since installing iOS 6. According to the report, forum posters are experiencing problems on both the iPhone 4S and the latest iPad, whereby when they want to connect their device to Wi-Fi, they are unable to, because that particular option is “grayed out.†A separate, but related, issue sees device owners being able to turn on Wi-Fi in Settings, but then simply not being able to connect to the local network. Apparently Bluetooth connection is similarly affected on the devices, with users not being able to pair their device. AppleInsider says that Apple is aware of the problems, but has not made any comment yet. So far, suggested fixes by other Apple support forum users include undertaking a hard reset and reinstalling iOS 6, or, even better, resetting Network Settings and changing the HTTP Proxy to Auto. Other users have reinstalled iOS 5.1, while some have even managed to get their iPhones exchanged at the Apple Store Genius Bar.

Source: Apple iOS 6 Wi-Fi problems persist for some iDevice owners
You must be on 5.1 then - Just connect to itunes and update there if your having wifi problems but ios6 is really where people are complaining about wifi........also - you will loose / not be able to jailbreak on ios6 until a exploit is released
In another thread here some changed DNS setting to.

I tried it 10 minutes ago and I have remained connected

As another said Write down current settings ..... Just in case

I put it on a note so it will also get backed up

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Best thing is to visit the Apple discussion pages on this topic, I have never seem so many users providing their recommendations for solutions, some of which work for them and some are just ludicrous, I've tried them all and I can only say this is def an IOS6 problem but feel free to try your luck.

Some have gone as far as changing their home routers, downgrading the firmware on routers, resetting iPads, turning off blue tooth, dimming the screen, brightening the screen etc. to try and make them work but WHY? All my other wifi products work fine including my iPhone 4 I updated.

So you do all the above for a home network but what about when u need to use your work or public wifi? It still ain't gonna work

Apple need to resolve this as its been a nightmare for many users
Yes, my iPhone 4 gets a little weird when on wifi. iPad is fine.

Sent from my Black Verizon 64GB iPad 2 in NYC Using using iPF
I had nothing but wifi problems with the old update, since the new update my ipad has been great regarding the wifi !
I haven't got this problem, I got ios6 on my iPad 3 and old iOS on my 4s phone. But good to know what to do in case problem strikes
The Apple discussion pages are in fact no different to iPF. There is no greater likelihood of finding answers there than there are here. It is true that there are people who have experienced difficulties since the release of iOS 6, and a lot of them have found help on our pages.

it is also true that the problems are not universal, so whatever is going on cannot be laid solely at the door of iOS 6. If only life were so simple.

My guess is that there will be a swift(ish) upgrade to iOS 6. One thing that should not be forgotten is that iOS 6 includes the capability to drop weak wifi networks in favor of 3G. Resetting network settings, IMO, is required to allow this to happen reliably.

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