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Apptivator - Double Tap action for Activator!


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Apptivator is a Cydia tweak which extends our favourite gesture manager, Activator.

Apptivator simply adds a "double tap" action to your springboard actions so that you can define a different action to be launched when you double tap rather than single tap. At first this doesn't sound like it would be of much use, but actually it is quite a revelation once you get to grips with the concept. It enables you to hide certain icons so they don't clutter up your springboard or launch related items from one familiar place.

Here are some examples of how I am using it…

- Settings: Single tap opens iPad settings, double tap opens SBSettings Settings screen.
- App Store: Single tap opens the App Store, double tap opens Cydia.
- Winterboard: Single tap opens Winterboard, double tap opens FolderFixer
- Calendar: Single tap opens Calendar, double tap opens the CalenGoo app.
- Evernote: Single tap opens Evernote, double tap opens stock Notes app.
- DisplayRecorder - Single tap opens app, double tap starts recording.

You get the idea!

There's not much to see in terms of a UI since Apptivator is completely integrated with Activator. You simply see a new "Double Tap Icon" action at the top of the Activator settings.

So, that's Apptivator. I don't know about you, but I like it!
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