This is my second most favorite Cydia tweak and I use it all the time, every day.
I have nine (9) pages on my iPad, not including Spotlight, all sorted by function (Daily Use, Tools & Accessories, Multimedia, Reference, Games, etc.). Yeah, I'm a little OCD about my iPad's organization. Yet, I don't use folders very much because I've discovered that I forget what's in them! And, given the nine pages, I get irritated with swiping back and forth all the time, looking for a specific app. Overboard to the rescue! I simply tap on the Overboard icon (I've placed it on my dock) and this pops up:

Now I can see exactly which page has which app icon. I tap the square containing the icon I wish to use and I am instantly taken to that springboard page. There I can select the app I wish to use. Oh, and should I change my mind and not want to go to a different page, I tap the grey area at the bottom and Overboard closes back to the page from which I started.
There are many ways to tweak Overboard.

As you can see, you can use gestures to activate Overboard versus tapping an icon. You can have from two to five columns (versus the three I've got showing). I don't have the Dock and the Search Page functions turned on, mainly because I don't find them necessary. But, the option's there. You can display the badges on the Overboard pages or on the icons. If you wish, you can have your wallpaper showing through versus having a black background.
Overboard also overrides the iPad's restriction to have only 11 pages. Overboard has a scrolling function, should you have many pages.
As I said, I use this tweak all the time. If you have more than two pages and want a more efficient way to get to them - Overboard is for you.
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