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are you a mac or a windows user?

are you a mac or windows user

  • I am a mac user

    Votes: 203 25.3%
  • I am a windows user

    Votes: 403 50.2%
  • I use both

    Votes: 197 24.5%

  • Total voters
Windows mainly on cost, but i also prefer the interface. There were more windows aware users than mac when I started, so when learning I had a bigger pool of experienced users to call on.

Tbh apart from accounts and CAD package, my ipad2 and iPhone4 covers my needs, so I have an Old ASUS laptop on W7 home premium, and xbox360 for my gaming :).

Wonder why apple never brought out a gaming platform like Microsoft?
dotcompals said:
Windows user, aspiring mac user

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Same here. I want to ditch windows someday and get an iMac and some sort of Mac laptop. ;)

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 using iPF
You forgot the third most popular but by far the best OS... Ubuntu...

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
Got my first MBA this year after having windows forever and trying out both the galaxy tab 7" and 10.1". I'm not going back. Now I have an iPhone 4S, a MBA 11", a 16g iPad 2 3G, and an iPod touch. They all work together and I love it.
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Windows 7 here. Despite its ups and downs, I'm happy with it now that I know how to work out the glitches.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF

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