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Attempt to update iPad3 to iOS 6, iTunes only gives me errors, now I have no use


iPF Noob
Attempt to update iPad3 to iOS 6, iTunes only gives me errors, [solved]

Hello friends. I finally decide to update my iPad to the iOS 6 or is it something like 6.11, anyways, I wanted to update my ipad3. I connected my USB cable to my computer, opened itunes, backed up my things, synced everything, when and clicked on update. After it spends 15 minutes downloading, it tells me about an error “something..something…1611â€. I click on the link, try to read through what to do about it.
I updated my itunes to the newest version just today. My W7 is updated.
Now all I have is this on my screen,

I tried disconnecting my ipad, and reconnecting it. I then get this message,
. I tried getting my ipad out of recovery mode, there are many videos on youtube about how to do it, but it did nothing, after the sliced apple logo pops up, it just goes back to that image of the usb cable pointing at the itunes logo.

So now I have no use of my ipad, and being in the hospital right now, I was using it a lot, I am really tired of how difficult Apple makes the simplest things. I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do.
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Just out of interest, is this iPad jailbroken (hacked)? And is the update button on iTunes greyed out?

Sorry that you are in the hospital. Get well soon!

Just out of interest, is this iPad jailbroken (hacked)? And is the update button on iTunes greyed out?

Sorry that you are in the hospital. Get well soon!


Jailbroken? hmm... I do not know. I bought through craigslist, what does jailbroken do? it has worked flawlessly up to now. The update button was not grayed out, because I pressed it to update my ipad
Sorry for your troubles. Try using the steps outlined in this tutorial: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html

It is a bit of a process, yes, but if the steps are followed as written, you should end up with an iPad3 running iOS 6.0.1.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.


Thank you Mickey, this guide would be wonderful if Apple didnt hate their customers.
I tried getting my ipad into DFU mode 24 times, no effect, it keeps going back to the same screen that I showed in the original post.
Thank you Mickey, this guide would be wonderful if Apple didnt hate their customers.
I tried getting my ipad into DFU mode 24 times, no effect, it keeps going back to the same screen that I showed in the original post.
Have you tried restoring the iPad on iTunes?
same prob

hye there... im actually having the exactly same problem as yours! please help me too... all the methods in youtube n evrywhere still cannot work... hope any expert can help me too... nw my device is in restore mode n i can only go to DFU mode.. tats al i can d0 with my device! restoring through itunes cant work also... pse help!!
hye there... im actually having the exactly same problem as yours! please help me too... all the methods in youtube n evrywhere still cannot work... hope any expert can help me too... nw my device is in restore mode n i can only go to DFU mode.. tats al i can d0 with my device! restoring through itunes cant work also... pse help!!

Did you try following the steps [exactly] as outlined in the link I provided above?

Something odd is up with your iPad. Apple does not make the ipad hard to use, in fact it is quite the opposite. If you did in fact buy a jailbroken iPad, you can't blame apple for that.
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Yea... I have tried the method in ur link... Bt it doesnt work too. My ipad is jailbroken 5.1.1 ! Hope anyone of u have any method fr me to try... Actlly i tried through redsnow to restore thn ipsw n select the firmware.. . I slect the corr t firmware and the process was running until d end... It says the firmware u selected might not b the perfect firmware with your ipad... *** problem i dunt know
At which step in the tutorial I linked did the process fail? This tutorial has helped many a person upgrade to the newest iOS (6.0.2 as of this writing). If you can tell us where it failed - we might be able to fix the tutorial. Thanks.


Hey.. The problem through the method is .... The error 3194 occur! U can see in the pics i attach... I acttly i tried watchng many videos on utube rgarding to solve error 3194 bt still cannot... I want to save my shsh also i have some problems.. Can u help me... Thn if any prob occur i can tell u asap so easier to solve....
Something odd is up with your iPad. Apple does not make the ipad hard to use, in fact it is quite the opposite. If you did in fact buy a jailbroken iPad, you can't blame apple for that.

I don't know if you think that everyone is supposed to know everything about everything, but some of us don't read everything written about every product made. I don't have any other "jailbroken" items, and I didn't know that such a thing even exist on the iPad. I bought it to use for work, not jailbreaking. So I am sorry if I am blaming apple for a problem that I have with an apple product.

I followed these directions, http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html, step by step, tried it multiple times, to no effect.
I don't know if you think that everyone is supposed to know everything about everything, but some of us don't read everything written about every product made. I don't have any other "jailbroken" items, and I didn't know that such a thing even exist on the iPad. I bought it to use for work, not jailbreaking. So I am sorry if I am blaming apple for a problem that I have with an apple product.

I followed these directions, http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html, step by step, tried it multiple times, to no effect.

When you are trying the tutorial, where is it failing? And, what, specifically, does the error code say (if there is one)? Or, are you still having issue getting it into DFU mode?

It fails when I try to put the iPad into DFU mode. I have read the DFU mode for Dummies thread, and have watched youtube videos, and had others time me while I held the various buttons, but the screen just keeps going back to the original USB cable pointing to the itunes logo.

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