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BackStab (gameloft) help ?

I'm stuck

I'm in cucuba city and I have finished every quest and Jaragua has told me to leave and kill whatshisname, but it tells me I still have jobs to do and I cannot leave!!!!! My quest screen says I dont have any quests, I don't know what to do!
Help STUCK!!

Hey guys, I'm on 54% in Santa Alodia looking for the three amulets, I've found the one in Turguara and Guayara...but I can't find the THIRD CAVE to find the last amulet to get Dunsey.. I feel like I've looked almost EVERYWHERE for the bloody thing, even went though the two other caves by mistake they're such a headache to get out of again. Frustrating as hell lol any help would be awesome.

Santa alodia

I just retrieved the horse I'm santa Alodia (33%) and after the cut scene I have no missions or any idea on what to do next. Can someone help me please!?!?
Hi I have completed around 60% and I am at the part where I am on "treasure island" and I have to "get rid" of the Spanish guards on the ship and I have done that but what do I do now? There is no new objective that comes up...
Please help :-)
Help at 57%

Hi gamers!

New to the site also but could really do with some help at santo nunilo where Blake needs to get to the cartographers house.

Some please tell me WHERE IS THE WOODEN LEDGE! I'm going crazy trying to find it. I'm sure I've died 50 times!

Thanks in advance!
Hey guys I am stuck, I am up to just after I killed the 5 rabbits and it asks me to get the villagers horse, I find it but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get the horse back to the villager. Please help. Also if someone could help learn how to post new threads etc that would be great!
Hi JohnnyD...you just have to leave your horse and ride the villager's horse back to the villager...you have to press the horse sign on the screen to do the switch...hope this helps...
Hi Koji...Easiest way is climb top of the houses and on from the roof of the last house (i think there is a villager standing in the front) jump up the trail...then u have the ledges lined up to reach the pass over water and a few jumps and u reach the ledges again for the way into the cartographers house(thru the window). hope this helps...
Hi SweetCheeks,

I hope i remember that this is the part where the villagers ask to finish all spanish guards in return for the map...if so, i also had the same issue and the only way out is that when u climp down the ship there is a man who asks if u want to return to choretto...you have to accept that and go forward...if u do not see the man which i saw for the first time and i declined and got stuck in a limbo...u should restart the location and accept his offer to leave the island...reply back if ur asking some other part and i wil try to help...
sweetcheeks3101 said:
Hi I have completed around 60% and I am at the part where I am on "treasure island" and I have to "get rid" of the Spanish guards on the ship and I have done that but what do I do now? There is no new objective that comes up...
Please help :-)

Can you guide me through how to get past 60% I can't get jump from cliffs with being killed in one form or another
Hi I am stuck in new bristol with 18% complete. Have brought one parcel. then went on to do lot of freedom fighter help, traitor killing etc etc. but how do i go to next level. what is there to do as in objective to go further in level.
got stuck in the castle where you need to save emma and dunseys family. cant kill the 2 guards though i already finished the game already must be glitch or i just forgot how to do it.....
hey guys, im stuck at 63% cayvada island or something like that, when you have to kill those guards before they kill blackbear or something xD, i cant even get closer i die in one hit xD
Hi, I´m stuck at 54%, killing the noble. "Enimies" keep re-spawning and I get slayed all the time. Any help anyone?

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