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BackStab (gameloft) help ?

Hi. Can you please tell me how can I meet with Blackbeard after I save Sophia? I've been running around the map, and I cannot find Blackbeard. TIA :)
hi Friend pls help me pls help me frd i just pass "Cuciba city" in Backstabe Game And 78% story complate but then what can i do in game ... no objective shown in objective list no any direction pls tell me what can i do ?
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I'm stuck at 39%. I've dodged all the exploding barrels. Reached a crossroads where I could turn right and meet many soldiers or take longer road to left. I took longer road and reached a barricade. It showed a cut scene of a climb point that I could use to bypass the blockade. I climbed and reached a keep with two walled courtyards and a tower but I'm stuck there. How do I get out at the other side of the barricade? There is a tower with a woman prisoner but not sure if that is relevant. Any help greatly appreciated.
Hi, I am stuck were you escape cathedral with coleta I don't know we're to go can you help me if you completed the game?
Can anyone tell me how to sell stuff like the plants you pick? When I goto a merchant it asks if I would like to sell to the guy and I click yes but then I only get a buy option. Thanks
Hey all...I could use some help. I'm at the scene where I save Admiral Dunsey. I understand I need to kill the guards in a specific order. Once I get Dow to the last 4 guards, I cannot get past them and Dunsey dies. Am I missing something?????
I have the same pb

hi Friend pls help me pls help me frd i just pass "Cuciba city" in Backstabe Game And 78% story complate but then what can i do in game ... no objective shown in objective

Hi! did u solve the problem? i have that problem too! HELP!list no any direction pls tell me what can i do ?
Hello gamers,

My name is jack I need some help from you guys, I m playing backstab and now I m stuck at treasure island and don't know how to reach to that cartographer, please gyus help me if you know anything about this stage.

Thanks in advance

Reply me asap

Hello friend,

I need you help in game called backstab I m stuck at treasure island 8 don't know how to get to cartographer. Please help me through with this stage.

Hey all. I am stuck at the cartographers map challenge. I found the ledges and have been able to make the tricky manual jump but, when I shimmy along that ledge, the corner causes a glitch and I end up stuck. I've restarted the entire game hoping it would go away but have not been successful. Any ideas on how to get around this bug?

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