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Battery in IOS 4.2.1

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You know it really amazes me how I see the same thing for totally different devices so often.

I've never seen any update go through on my Blackberry Storm, my Droid 1 and 2, and now my iPad without someone complaining about the battery. You're using it more, of course the battery will go down a bit.

I was thinking last night after two hours use and sitting at 98% that the battery was better then the previous release. But then I realized that I had been really not using it that much….No battery difference, just perception.
It seems that whatever problem someone posts on this site, it cant ever be the ipad. The op gets attacked and told they are wrong.
Too bad instead of defending the product, more people dont try to understand and help.

To the op and others posting here, my ipad wouldn't charge at all after the update (see my post seeking help that got absolutely no responses)

Those that ARE having a problem ( or that aren't in denial) try this test, it worked for me. Shut OFF the locate option in the mail settings under mobile me and turn down your brightness to a reasonable level.

I also frequently close all of the programs that are on standby in the double click menu.

Since shutting off the mobile me locate switch, my ipad is now charging again.

Yes there is something very different since the upgrade, you aren't crazy as many followers would have you believe here.

Unless you SKIPPED every other post those suggestions WERE given. Talk about seeing what you wanna see....

Yea I am quite sure that every update drains the battery more and more. Makes sense. lol.

So let me understand this correctly as super bike suggested
Turn off my iPad finder to save battery life, however I may not be able to find my lost or stolen iPad with finder off...hmm that makes a lot of sense..battery or my whole iPad . Decisions decisions....
So let me understand this correctly as super bike suggested
Turn off my iPad finder to save battery life, however I may not be able to find my lost or stolen iPad with finder off...hmm that makes a lot of sense..battery or my whole iPad . Decisions decisions....
I have Find My iPad on and it does NOT drain battery.

It does not constantly send out anything from the ipad. It uses a silent push notification to wake up and send location info to Apple. It is not doing anything till it gets that notification. And that notification is not coming till you initiate it.

You know it really amazes me how I see the same thing for totally different devices so often.

I've never seen any update go through on my Blackberry Storm, my Droid 1 and 2, and now my iPad without someone complaining about the battery. You're using it more, of course the battery will go down a bit.

I was thinking last night after two hours use and sitting at 98% that the battery was better then the previous release. But then I realized that I had been really not using it that much….No battery difference, just perception.

This says says it cant be the ipad.....
It seems that whatever problem someone posts on this site, it cant ever be the ipad. The op gets attacked and told they are wrong.
Too bad instead of defending the product, more people dont try to understand and help.

To the op and others posting here, my ipad wouldn't charge at all after the update (see my post seeking help that got absolutely no responses)

Those that ARE having a problem ( or that aren't in denial) try this test, it worked for me. Shut OFF the locate option in the mail settings under mobile me and turn down your brightness to a reasonable level.

I also frequently close all of the programs that are on standby in the double click menu.

Since shutting off the mobile me locate switch, my ipad is now charging again.

Yes there is something very different since the upgrade, you aren't crazy as many followers would have you believe here.

Unless you SKIPPED every other post those suggestions WERE given. Talk about seeing what you wanna see....

Yea I am quite sure that every update drains the battery more and more. Makes sense. lol.


After the tuff guy lines, thisnsays it cant be the ipad.
So let me understand this correctly as super bike suggested
Turn off my iPad finder to save battery life, however I may not be able to find my lost or stolen iPad with finder off...hmm that makes a lot of sense..battery or my whole iPad . Decisions decisions....
I have Find My iPad on and it does NOT drain battery.

It does not constantly send out anything from the ipad. It uses a silent push notification to wake up and send location info to Apple. It is not doing anything till it gets that notification. And that notification is not coming till you initiate it.


Mike has to state it cant be the ipad again here.
Oh, and if you want to get technical, my degree isn't in social psychology, I have a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology and am currently finishing my remaining pre-requisites for medical school.

That explains everything. Judging by your handle, you were born in 81, making you almost 30...With all of that education, one can assume that you have yet to leave to world of academia and join the rest of us in the real world...As I said, explains everything. Thanks.

With all due respect sweet, no attacks on this forum?
Point is, the people posting on here are looking for suggestions to help with their technical experiences.

Too bad more people couldn't use all their mightier than thow energy to find solutions.

I'm just sayin...
OK, it seems like more time is being spent commenting on other people's post than the actual problem so that tells me it is time to shut it down.

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