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Battery in IOS 4.2.1

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Battery issue/find my ipad

Maybe it is that those of you NOT experiencing a faster battery drain have NOT activated Find my iPad - and those of us that do experience a significantly faster drain activated this function?

Since I am new to the list I cannot post links, but if you search at "discussion dot apple dot com on "ipad ios 4.2.1. battery depletion issue" you will find a post where he found the solution to the issue being to deactivate find my ipad.

Best regards
LOL at all of these "OMG IT DRAINZ FASTOR" posts. The psychological term for this is being "primered." You read so many articles and posts that were concerned that there may be a drop in battery life that you have now convinced yourself there is a big difference, when in reality there is not.

Dude, you really need to check your attitude at the door...

I personally had not read a single thread on the topic before I posted. I just logged back into ipadforums, did a quick search to see if others were experiencing the same thing and added a reply.

I purchased my first I pad at launch. I purchased a 3G shortly after those launched. I use mine daily. I am not a headcase who is simply panicked due to what I have read on the internet.

Furthermore, I drained my iPad completely last night, and now it will not even take a charge...Something is definitely up with 4.2.1 and its effect on battery. Be thankful that it is not effecting yours.

No thanks, my "attitude" was completely appropriate.

You would be surprised what kind of effect things you read can have on your subconscious.

I am not thankful, because it's not a problem, as someone posted above, it's because people are using an extra service that streams data called "Find My iPad." That's not a battery drainage issue with 4.2.1, that's not a battery drainage issue at all. It is a background service constantly running, streaming data, of course the battery will drain faster.
No thanks, my "attitude" was completely appropriate.

You would be surprised what kind of effect things you read can have on your subconscious.

I am not thankful, because it's not a problem, as someone posted above, it's because people are using an extra service that streams data called "Find My iPad." That's not a battery drainage issue with 4.2.1, that's not a battery drainage issue at all. It is a background service constantly running, streaming data, of course the battery will drain faster.

I can tell you that reading your condescending posts is having quite the effect on my conscious.... I guess because you are not experiencing anything, that the rest of us are just nut cases...

It must be sweet to be you, the almighty, know-it-all of the iPad and the greatest social psychologist that the internet age has ever seen.

Just to recap for all of us experiencing any batter issues after updating to 4.2.1: SuperBike says that we are all crazy lemmings, easily swayed by the opinions and posts of others. We actually are not experiencing any issues with our battery, it is all in our heads...
I can tell you that reading your condescending posts is having quite the effect on my conscious.... I guess because you are not experiencing anything, that the rest of us are just nut cases...

aww...! It will get better, trust me. I remember when I was hooked up with the beta version of OS 4. It was great!

Until ~

I couldn't get on the internet outside my home.:( For three days. And I have wifi and 3G.

Just wasn't gonna work for me. I must access the internet on a dime when I am out in the field. I was so sad and frustrated.

No one else had this problem, but many tried to help me. I ultimately had to downgrade back to OS 3 and wait for the real deal.

I was worried though that they did not fix it! But they did. They will fix your problems.

Hang in there!
I'm glad you understand Krav. Turn off the stupid Find My iPad program and it will be fine.

The iPad itself isn't going to experience differences in battery drain between your iPad and mine, they utilize the same hardware and software. The only difference is going to be the programs you are running. That's one of the good things about proprietary products such as the iPad, we are all using the exact same thing.

So if your iPad is draining faster now than mine, it's because you have an extra app running that is utilizing the battery, or your settings somewhere are different (brightness, push notifications, etc).

Oh, and if you want to get technical, my degree isn't in social psychology, I have a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology and am currently finishing my remaining pre-requisites for medical school.
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Oh, and if you want to get technical, my degree isn't in social psychology, I have a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology and am currently finishing my remaining pre-requisites for medical school.

That explains everything. Judging by your handle, you were born in 81, making you almost 30...With all of that education, one can assume that you have yet to leave to world of academia and join the rest of us in the real world...As I said, explains everything. Thanks.
81 has nothing to do with my age. I was a firefighter for 4 years, and my headquarters station was 81. I am in the military (for 2 more years) and have completed my education while in the military. I will be separating in two years to complete medical school.

So I assure you, between being a firefighter and active duty military, I've had plenty of life experience, I just chose to not waste my off time and educated myself instead.

Any other personal assumptions you want to make about me based on my opinion of this so called battery "problem?"
<==== Putting moderator hat on:

I think some of the folks in this thread need to switch to decaf then read the rules --

3. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. We take politeness very seriously. You are welcome to challenge others points of view and opinions, but do so respectively and thoughtfully.
Oh, and if you want to get technical, my degree isn't in social psychology, I have a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology and am currently finishing my remaining pre-requisites for medical school.

That explains everything. Judging by your handle, you were born in 81, making you almost 30...With all of that education, one can assume that you have yet to leave to world of academia and join the rest of us in the real world...As I said, explains everything. Thanks.

That was mean.

You two better lighten up ~ they are watching you now and to get banned from the best site ever...

Well ~

You both have a lot to offer and that would be messed up.:(
... it's because people are using an extra service that streams data called "Find My iPad." That's not a battery drainage issue with 4.2.1, that's not a battery drainage issue at all. It is a background service constantly running, streaming data, of course the battery will drain faster.

I am not using "find my iPad". Does anyone have any other ideas as to why my battery is draining in almost half the time since the update?

My appologies for hi jacking the thread, but my initial intentions for posting was to see if anyone else who was experiencing similar reduction in battery life had solved this issue.

There has got to be something turned on that wasn't before. Cutting the battery life in half is not something the upgrade is fully responsible for. Have you went through all the settings to make sure nothing is different?
Yes, I have triple checked all settings , notifications, ect... I was getting about 10 hrs of mixed use @ 100%, I am now getting about 5 hrs...this has been consistent ove the past few days... Hence, my desire to get a resolution :)
Yes, I have triple checked all settings , notifications, ect... I was getting about 10 hrs of mixed use @ 100%, I am now getting about 5 hrs...this has been consistent ove the past few days... Hence, my desire to get a resolution :)

Try a full restore to factory settings if you haven't already. Not sure if it will help, but it might.
<==== Putting moderator hat on:

I think some of the folks in this thread need to switch to decaf then read the rules --

3. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. We take politeness very seriously. You are welcome to challenge others points of view and opinions, but do so respectively and thoughtfully.

Thank you!

Oh, and if you want to get technical, my degree isn't in social psychology, I have a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology and am currently finishing my remaining pre-requisites for medical school.

That explains everything. Judging by your handle, you were born in 81, making you almost 30...With all of that education, one can assume that you have yet to leave to world of academia and join the rest of us in the real world...As I said, explains everything. Thanks.

That was mean.

You two better lighten up ~ they are watching you now and to get banned from the best site ever...

Well ~

You both have a lot to offer and that would be messed up.:(

Far as I can see Superbike threw the first punch.

Seriously guys, if you don't agree with someone and have no vested interest in the topic (ie you have no similar issues) state your point and move on. There may or may not be a solution but it gets lost in the bickering...this gets old fast.

Now back on topic.. I do have find my phone running, I do have a slightly and very slight drain which could be from that but....I do not have a drastic change in drainage....

Did you have any issues with upgrade or did all go smoothly, did you have any issues with wifi after? Did you do full restore of backup? Are you willing to wipe and start fresh for a few days to check for similar drain? You could always reload your backup if that doesn't resolve it.

Last idea, coincidence on timing of hardware (battery) failure and iOS upgrade.
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