for some reason people think it is what they call the "multi tasking" feature, where there is no such feature. The open applications are just going to sleep, and beside holding some memory space, they do nothing.
for some reason people think it is what they call the "multi tasking" feature, where there is no such feature. The open applications are just going to sleep, and beside holding some memory space, they do nothing.
You are right about the multi tasking thing because when I am playing a game and leave it to open another app, then return, I have to start the game all over. There is no multi tasking.
It there were then I would be able to continue the game from where I left off.
Not all games fully support the "multitasking" feature of saving the state of the game just yet.
That's not a problem with the 4.2.1 upgrade, that's a problem with the software designer not yet implementing the feature yet. Some games already work that way, others need to be updated still.
What does that have to do with battery life? Or are you just whining about a non-issue?