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best note taking app for ipad 2

Any ideas on a solution that does NOT involve syncing via email or the cloud? My company policy prohibits the use of third-party cloud services (so dropbox, googledocs, evernote, etc are all out).

In other words, syncing via wi-fi or iTunes are the only options. Any thoughts?
I prefer Beleshka. Free-hand writing and typing + shape recognition..

@mallardduck In Beleshka you can download PDFs from app via iTunes
I am a note taker, habitual, constant, unreformable.

I've tried several note-taking apps on the iPad. I don't really like Notes Plus (too much "interface") and Penultimate has worked best for notes that involve drawings and sketches along with written notes.

Now prepare the kindling because I am going to be a total heretic. I have used a Newton and I have used an iPad (plus laptops along the way) for all kinds of note-taking in all kinds of environments and situations. The best solution I have found for serious note taking is... a yellow legal pad.

You have to mess with the notes anyway to clean them up, so I have found it more efficient in the long run to write 'em out (in the personal shorthand that I have developed over the years) and then "fix" them at the keyboard. Seems Old Hat, but in the end it works best for me.

(Altho I will confess I have page after page of hastily scribbled/drawn stuff in Penultimate and use it all the time!)
Ok i've tried quite a few note taking apps, some free some not. Personally the pick of the bunch from typing is either the native Notes or IDo Senior, lots of functions and abilities with fast reflex action so you're never going faster than the screen.
For hand writing it has to be Notes Plus although my writing looks better in Penultimate, the "palm pad" screen protection in Notes Plus is a must have (take note Cocoa Box lol)

Sent from my jb iPad 2 using iPF
I like the free bambo paper. Which you can also get a styles for. Which I do not have and it works fine without.

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
Used Penultimate, Ghost Writer, Notes Plus, Pages, Springpad and the iPads native app and I am happiest with Notes Plus.

If you are going to take notes with a keyboard, I would recommend Pages but the native app works pretty good as well.

For handwriting, the Notes Plus app is tops. Cut / copy text into the note and write or draw around it... it is easy, makes your handwriting look sharp because of the zoom feature and doesn't cause a single meeting to cover tons of pages.

Its inking is not as smooth as Penultimate, but it's file system and sharing options are better... plus the ability to add text by typing it or cutting and pasting it.

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