iPF Noob
Evernote is worth a look, also cirrus which has built in firms for incident reports, if you just want a better version of apple's note
Kaiff, are you looking for an app for note taking or an app for annotating documents, such as PDF docs? SOme folks have suggested great note taking apps. But for true annotation, I like iAnnotate PDF. You can highlight, doodle, insert comments, overwrite text. It does the trick for me.
sdc3z;315099 hey I strongly suggest you try the app "penultimate". It is a $.99 app said:I use Penultimate more than any other handwriting app. I have several other apps, but for ease of use, Penultimate is good. I just wish I could get one that even comes close to the old-style tablet handwriting apps that converted handwriting to text and had such ease of editing.
Thanks for this tip. Gonna check that one out for myself.Try 7notes app. It is bit pricey but worth. You can do text conversion and manipulate your writting as you please.
You might want to try UPad Lite for free to see if you like the handwriting to text conversion function. I just downloaded it a few days ago based on recommendations of other forum members and because it has that feature. It also has a wrist guard which I find very convenient in a note taking app.
I haven't had a chance to try out the handwriting to text conversion function yet, so that is why I'm only suggesting the trial version. (Please note that the trial version only allows for 5 notebooks).
donka said:uPad Lite doesn't have a handwriting to text conversion feature.
Insofar as the handwriting recognition is concerned, eventually (?) it should be built into iOS and work across those apps that would benefit from it. Though I suspect that this is being worked on, I am unsure as to why it isn't already available. There may still be accuracy and speed issues with today's processors.
Insofar as the handwriting recognition is concerned, eventually (?) it should be built into iOS and work across those apps that would benefit from it. Though I suspect that this is being worked on, I am unsure as to why it isn't already available. There may still be accuracy and speed issues with today's processors.
It's not available now because Apple had no intentions for anyone to "write" on the iPad with a stylus as was popular with resistive screen tablets. Maybe they'll change their idea since so many apps have been created to help enable people to write on their iPads.
But there is a big Flaw for me. I write really fast, mostly printing (not cursive) so this has my constantly lifting up the stylus and taping the screen. The noise the Jot makes when touching the screen is loud! Think about taking the back of a pen hitting glass with it. Its very Annoying.
But there is a big Flaw for me. I write really fast, mostly printing (not cursive) so this has my constantly lifting up the stylus and taping the screen. The noise the Jot makes when touching the screen is loud! Think about taking the back of a pen hitting glass with it. Its very Annoying.
Thanks for the review of the Jot stylus. I had been waiting to see what you thought of it ever since you posted about having ordered it. I have a similar style of writing as you describe. I can imagine that I would annoy the heck out of people in meetings.
After reading what you had to say about it, I guess I too am still looking for the ideal stylus.
Why can't they just make a dual-style Tablet, one on which we can turn the touch on and off? Maybe the day will come.