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Best note taking app for iPad

Here's another video of the byzero smart pen
The lady doing the drawing says they are also coming out with a pen that is pressure sensitive next year.

By Zero’s Studio Pen Shows Off With Chris Chavez Caricature

This pen looks pretty amazing, and with notesplus support it might be the best combo for taking notes.

I may be wrong, but I believe that solutions such as this require a specialized note taking app as well as the hardware. I suspect you realize this in view of the fact that you cited the need for NotesPlus "support" to use the pen. This is a common problem. For example 7Notes HD has excellent handwriting recognition and predictive capabilities. Unfortunately, its note taking app is considerably less robust than NotesPlus or NoteTaker HD.
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I'm considering Good Reader to make notes to attach to an existing file and have a question for those who have used it. Once I download GR, how does it work when I want to make my notes? Do I open Good Reader and then open the file, or how does that work? Does Good Reader work within the other file or what? I hope my question is clear. Thanks.
I'm considering Good Reader to make notes to attach to an existing file and have a question for those who have used it. Once I download GR, how does it work when I want to make my notes? Do I open Good Reader and then open the file, or how does that work? Does Good Reader work within the other file or what? I hope my question is clear. Thanks.

GoodReader isn't a note taking app. Not quite sure what you are hoping to achieve with this app.
I want an app that allows me to attach little stickies with notes to a file I'm reading. I've been told Good Reader will allow me to do this. No?
MoneyGuy said:
I want an app that allows me to attach little stickies with notes to a file I'm reading. I've been told Good Reader will allow me to do this. No?

You can add notes to PDF files in this manner. Is this what you mean?

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I may be wrong, but I believe that solutions such as this require a specialized note taking app as well as the hardware. I suspect you realize this in view of the fact that you cited the need for NotesPlus "support" to use the pen. This is a common problem. For example 7Notes HD has excellent handwriting recognition and predictive capabilities. Unfortunately, its note taking app is considerably less robust than NotesPlus or NoteTaker HD.

Yes software must be written for the hardware. They are licensing out API's out for this Pen and NotePlus is taking a look at it.
So I picked one of these pens up here:
EFUN Digital Pen XN302I for Ipad i OS 3.2 above - DinoDirect.comShould have it it 5-7 business days. ll let you know how it goes.

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So I picked one of these pens up here:
EFUN Digital Pen XN302I for Ipad i OS 3.2 above - DinoDirect.comShould have it it 5-7 business days. ll let you know how it goes.

Bad link. Just a page full of miscelaneous junk products for sale.
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Weird. The first time I clicked the link it took me to some page full of miscelaneous stuff that you'd find in a dollar catalog. Now when I click on it, I see a page that has info on this stylus. Over $100...I'll pass.
Notebook for iPad + Dropbox

I just received an email from Circus Ponies who is introducing a new note taking app called "Circus Ponies NoteBook". It's integrated with Dropbox as well. After watching the video demo on their website it looked pretty impressive. It's in the Apple App Store. It's fairly expensive as apps go, but it's pretty robust. Might be worth a look.

EDIT: Just noticed there's also a "Notebooks for iPad"...it's not that one...it's "Circus Ponies NoteBook". Kind of confusing.
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Mtnmedic said:
Weird. The first time I clicked the link it took me to some page full of miscelaneous stuff that you'd find in a dollar catalog. Now when I click on it, I see a page that has info on this stylus. Over $100...I'll pass.

If you use a coupon (thanksgiving) you can get it down $89 + shipping

Will be $99 when it gets to the US. That is allot of money for a regular stylus. But for a "smart" pen that's about the same as others. I wish it was cheaper but if it works good it will be worth it for me

I would wait for reviews to make sure it works. I'll post here once I have tested it out.
WOW! After reading through 44 pages, I am slightly less confused over which is the best note taking application. First of all, a huge thank you to all of the previous comment authors.

Reading through this massive thread did provide some significant insight. As a few people put it, not every app is best for every user. You have to know how you planning using the application (school, work, business meetings, sales calls, personal stuff, etc.) Once I realized I did not have my usage requirements identified (kicking myself), I knew I did not know what I wanted or needed. The amount of apps out there can be overwhelming, and a lot of time and money can be wasted (see first line).

I am an IT Consultant and get involved in a lot of meetings for various projects and stuff. My impression of my needs was that I was looking for something like the old Franklin Planners or DayPlanners where I could maintain meeting schedules, and tie the meeting notes to the meeting, and somehow cross reference that into a client and/or project folder. Looking for this is like looking for the holy grail. One person put it that many app developers write for a particular task and that is it, after 44 pages I believe that person now. I may need to crack out my developer skills again and develop my own.... or just use two apps.

Anyway, there were several that made the short list of possible note taking apps...SmartNotes, Circus Ponies Notebook, Notability, Note Taker, Notes Plus, Evernote, Groovy Notes, and Meeting Pad. Circus Ponies was eliminated fast due to cost and not really meeting ultimate desires. Evernote was eliminated due to monthly/annual subscription cost; funny how some were complaining about high cost of Circus Ponies but were using EverNotes. Moving on... Note Taker and Notes Plus both looked OK, as well as Notability. SmartNotes and Notability were two that had the voice recording feature and note to audio linking. I decided to go with Notability for now as it is on sale this week for $.99. If it doesn't work, I will be back looking at others.


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