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Best note taking / "whiteboard" app?

Notes Plus

I would recommend Notes Plus (Notes Plus) for handwriting, keyboard text, diagram drawing (shape auto detection), audio recording and more.

Video demo: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li3q1Lr1vxk[/ame]
Ok. I hope this doesn't count as spam, but we have one called Jot! that we launched in June 2010.

Jot is definitely more of a whiteboard app than a note-taking app although some Jot users use it for that too. We tried to do our best to keep it fast, simple, and stable since the thing about a whiteboard is that you can get ideas out quickly without any fuss.

There's a free / lite version and a paid version. The paid version of Jot currently has around 100 reviews with an avg score of 4.5 which is something we're proud of given the number of "sell and abandon" apps out there. Apple featured us in the appstore a few months ago.

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I would suggest trying Notability. It allows for audio recordings to be synced and amplified with notes. You can customize the text with different sizes, fonts, colors, bold and italics, highlights, bullets, numbering, etc. You can easily file your notes with titles and subjects in addition to exporting the files as pdf+audio or just pdf if you rather with drop box. Coming soon Notability will support iDISK and webDAV.
I use NoteTaker HD. Works well with handwritten notes and can be emailed via PDF. I am also using WritePad which uses handwriting recognition to turn my terrible penmanship into typed notes. Best stylus is from StylusRus. Great selection and outstanding customer service.

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Noterize.... or maybe I missed it. This is a great app with VGA out, recording, importing/exporting from/to gdocs, dropbox, box, email etc. It has easy to use writing and typing tools. My students use this constantly for their notes as they import ppts or pdfs for my presentations or worksheets. It's pretty much a gem and worth a look!
I was amazed at the interface, the non jagged lines when blown up really large, and the speed of UPAD ... it has a lite free version for you to try. The paid version has VGA output.

IMO it solves the hand resting on display problem flawlessly ..
I have been using UPAD for the past week and it is remarkable. The handwriting engine is the best I've seen/felt so far for the iPad!

The only con that I would state at this time is the inability to upload back to my Dropbox account. However, I am able to open files to UPad from Dropbox. I emailed the developer and they said they are working on making this feature available in a future update.

Well-built application overall and worth a try. The lite version is free with some limitations...
I like NoteTaker HD

It's not a simple app... but with the update to add shapes it fills my needs for a whiteboard. I also like the "wrist resting" feature and it works with a stylus or finger.

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