U ugi4life iPF Noob May 15, 2011 #1 Hi all, What are you favourite physic based games ? Mine: 1) Cover Orange 2) Cut the rope 3) Roger: The flying pig 4) Angry birds RIO 5) Finger physics
Hi all, What are you favourite physic based games ? Mine: 1) Cover Orange 2) Cut the rope 3) Roger: The flying pig 4) Angry birds RIO 5) Finger physics
schnarfengrubler iPF Noob May 18, 2011 #4 what up with no gamer kind of discussions with tip and tricks for getting thru the rough spots?? nova 2 and splinter cell.
what up with no gamer kind of discussions with tip and tricks for getting thru the rough spots?? nova 2 and splinter cell.
DontUnderstandMyIpad iPF Noob May 18, 2011 #5 A short, but great game is: The little crane that could
A AWelbourn iPF Noob May 18, 2011 #7 Simple physics and Bridge Basher (Same creator) are pretty entertaining.
Kingsmuse iPF Noob May 20, 2011 #8 Crayon Physics is addicting for younger kids. Crayon Physics Deluxe for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Crayon Physics is addicting for younger kids. Crayon Physics Deluxe for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store