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I ended up switching to Vyse Pocket Cloud from Splashtop, I love the features. It has a special mouse add on that allows you to make very fine selections fast among other abilities. Also, you can load a special browser without going to your desktop to have instant flash browsing if needed. Really great program.
Try this. Pinch zoom your screen larger, then 3 finger scroll the screen to the box area to make the box larger and easier to tap
The attached photo is how large I was able to zoom out, making it easier to hit
Hope that helps

That *definitely* helped. It's embarrassing to admit; but, I guess I hadn't realized the potential of the pinch outward together with the three finger drag combination. Time to fess up, it was right under my nose! :) And here I thought I was supposed to be an iPad Master, lol. On some windows though, I can easily get the double arrow, but when I try to move the side of the window, the arrow keeps reverting back to a single arrow. Sometimes I can let it go, come back with a second press and move it, sometimes not. I'm getting ahead of myself though, and need to practice it some more. At any rate, I believe that this tip will make my life a lot easier. Thank you!
Well going from a 19" monitor to a 10" and having weaker eyesight I use the zoom feature quite often and found the easier tapping a side benefit.
Fwiw, I use a stylus pen with Splashtop on my Inc for finer tapping

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I ended up switching to Vyse Pocket Cloud from Splashtop, I love the features. It has a special mouse add on that allows you to make very fine selections fast among other abilities. Also, you can load a special browser without going to your desktop to have instant flash browsing if needed. Really great program.

I have the Pro or paid version of Wyse Pocket Cloud and think that their implementation of the "mouse" is the best I've seen yet. I was hoping to see something like that in Logmein Ignition (which I haven't looked at yet); but, from what I hear, it's not going to be there. For some reason, Pocket Cloud didn't seem as clear as Splashtop on my iPad. The resolution seemed a bit off when viewing the entire screen as I recall. However, this seems to be true for all of these programs other than Splashtop. Again, I may be missing some key concept here too though, like... it's not necessary when one can zoom in and out. I haven't really had time to try it out thoroughly, but intend to get back to it ASAP. I read the reviews and bought it because it had so many satisfied users, and because I would like to become totally proficient at this type of program.

Thanks for the input.
Well going from a 19" monitor to a 10" and having weaker eyesight I use the zoom feature quite often and found the easier tapping a side benefit.
Fwiw, I use a stylus pen with Splashtop on my Inc for finer tapping.

Thanks Mark. This is going to be a pretty big deal for me as I've been using Splashtop almost every single day.
Actually, LMI Ignition has a mouse that's very similar to PocketCloud. If I had to choose between them, I would lean towards the one with PocketCloud. But the LMI implementation is very good.

The major advantage to me for LMI Ignition is my existing installed base of LMI remote hosts. Plus, I find LMI Ignition to be very good for what I need to do. Adding the file transfer feature (missing in LMI free on my desktop PC) is a great bonus.

I would still like to take the time to take another look at ST. And I need to spend more time with PocketCloud Pro too, but I had to remove TightVNC and the PC companion on my desktop while I chase down an errant driver or whatever's causing an occasional BSOD.
Splashtop does have a great default screen view. I think the mouse and just easier navigation in general is what moved me away to Vyse. That, and I've had the best luck with Vyse when it comes to controlling my system from work for whatever reason. Seiing as I don't have a dedicated server or static ip that's pretty important. I haven't had the opportunity to try out some of these others so I appreciate the impressions. Some of these apps are rather expensive to just try it all when I found a comfortable spot. Splashtop is comparatively always a good bargain.
speedlever said:
Actually, LMI Ignition has a mouse that's very similar to PocketCloud. If I had to choose between them, I would lean towards the one with PocketCloud. But the LMI implementation is very good.

The major advantage to me for LMI Ignition is my existing installed base of LMI remote hosts. Plus, I find LMI Ignition to be very good for what I need to do. Adding the file transfer feature (missing in LMI free on my desktop PC) is a great bonus.

I would still like to take the time to take another look at ST. And I need to spend more time with PocketCloud Pro too, but I had to remove TightVNC and the PC companion on my desktop while I chase down an errant driver or whatever's causing an occasional BSOD.

Well, that's *great* to hear (about the mouse)! Unfortunately, I don't haveTightVNC so I cannot comment there at all. So *many* magical powers in these devices... I'm overwhelmed. :)
TightVNC goes along with Wyse PocketCloud Companion (installed on the remote computer.) Needed unless you have the pro versions of Windows. And sometimes even with. ;) ( have been unable to get my XP/pro/sp3 laptop to work without using VNC.)
guthrien said:
Splashtop does have a great default screen view. I think the mouse and just easier navigation in general is what moved me away to Vyse. That, and I've had the best luck with Vyse when it comes to controlling my system from work for whatever reason. Seiing as I don't have a dedicated server or static ip that's pretty important. I haven't had the opportunity to try out some of these others so I appreciate the impressions. Some of these apps are rather expensive to just try it all when I found a comfortable spot. Splashtop is comparatively always a good bargain.

Pocket Cloud also impressed me as being extremely solid and stable. I'm sure that each of them has their very strong points. FWIW: Logmein Ignition has never been available at this price. I don't know much about it though, other than it also has many many fans.
speedlever said:
TightVNC goes along with Wyse PocketCloud Companion (installed on the remote computer.) Needed unless you have the pro versions of Windows. And sometimes even with. ;) ( have been unable to get my XP/pro/sp3 laptop to work without using VNC.)

Oh, it's the Windows client for Pocket Cloud? Then I do have it and it was working fine the last I checked (on Vista Home Premium). :)
I've been watching Ignition since late last year when I got my iPad and this is the best price I've seen. Bought Wyse PocketCloud on sale too. ;)
speedlever said:
I've been watching Ignition since late last year when I got my iPad and this is the best price I've seen. Bought Wyse PocketCloud on sale too. ;)

I caught that sale too, if it was the one around the 4th of July. I think it was half price, a good deal. Thanks for your comments.
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As guthrein suggested, at this point, I am going to spend more time with Wyse Pocket Cloud. What first impressed me about this program, the mouse, continues to amaze me and, for now at least, I think I can do without the resolution benefits of Splashtop until they improve that aspect of the program. Even with Mark's excellent suggestion, Splashtop is no match for Pocket Cloud when it comes to "resizing" and repositioning things on the desktop. After that I'll move into Logmein as time permits. Maybe I should reread this thread again from the beginning. :)
Ok, I just tried Pocket Cloud and it totally screwed up my computer! The screen would only show a portion of it on the iPad and then when I logged out it wouldn,t go back to the original graphics on the desktop screen, I had to restart my desktop which is still rebooting!! Yikes. I have had no problems at all with Splashtop, I will stick with that! Has anyone else had problems with pocket cloud?

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