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Best way to use the iPad to read PDF, epub and mobi books

thanks for that Marilyn.

I've downloaded the kindle app but dont see how you can buy the kindle books?

:confused:I think I'm being dumb.


Any recommendatory on the best Ipad solution would be appreciated.
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thanks for that Marilyn.

I've downloaded the kindle app but dont see how you can buy the kindle books?

:confused:I think I'm being dumb.


Any recommendatory on the best Ipad solution would be appreciated.

You're not being "dumb" - the rules were changed last year. Apple decide to press the issue and make any book seller pay the 30% in-app fee whenever someone bought a book through the iPad app. Amazon joined all the other book sellers/app makers and removed the ability to purchase books through the app. So, now you have to buy them by going to their web site (via browser).

You can still download purchased books (from your account) through the app. You just can't buy them.

The best solution is to buy your apps via the browser no matter which book store you get them from. Then, you can go into the applicable app and download the book for reading.

vj531 said:
Thanks again Marilyn

I read most books on my iPad's Kindle program. But I'd like to read some ePub books from my local library. I can't seem to download Adobe Digital ReADER (which it says I need). Any suggestions?
Double check with your library, but the best app to get to view public library books is the app Overdrive (free in the App Store). With a library card and an account, you can get virtually any library's books. You just need to make sure your library uses the Overdrive system (most do).

The app BlueFire Reader can also help you get and read library books.

They are both the same in that you have to authorize them with your Adobe Digital Editions password. But, once that is done, then you are good.

Hope this helps.

i got it. i got it. i got the ipad. feels gr8!!!! thanx again folks for helping me out. cheerio!

And when you graduate as a medico, I trust your prescriptions will be easy to read!
All the best, Andrew

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Mickey330 said:
Double check with your library, but the best app to get to view public library books is the app Overdrive (free in the App Store). With a library card and an account, you can get virtually any library's books. You just need to make sure your library uses the Overdrive system (most do).

The app BlueFire Reader can also help you get and read library books.

They are both the same in that you have to authorize them with your Adobe Digital Editions password. But, once that is done, then you are good.

Hope this helps.


Thanks, Marilyn I actually have overdrive. There was an ebook I wanted to read that was on a different library system that did not transfer to Kindle (which mine does). That's why I needed ePUB.
Here is a free ebook conversion tool for you.
You can easily convert your ebook from pdf to epub.

It provides you with the best PDF to epub converting experience.

Thanks for your patience.:o
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