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BGR: Your iPad is probably at your local UPS station.


iPF Noob

UPS iPad shipments under guard Boy Genius Report

"Here’s an update on the UPS iPad deliveries: we’ve been told that it will be virtually impossible to have one delivered prior to Saturday and your shipping status doesn’t mean squat. Here’s why… There are iPad shipments sitting in your local UPS location right now. Yes, they are there. Right now.

The issue? Apple has hired an outside security agency to monitor all shipments from the regional distribution centers to the local hubs, and at the local hubs, the cages (where they hold the packages) are under 24/7 guard by the outside security agency. Apple did the same thing when they used FedEx for iPhone shipments, and they also had the same security company literally sleeping overnight at AT&T stores when they got iPhones the day before launch day.

Don’t worry if your tracking info still shows the package hasn’t left China, it’s probably only 10 miles from you, sitting comfortably under the watchful eyes of Top Flight security."
You are probably right. I called UPS International this morning about 5:00 am and was told that they were under strict instructions from Apple not to deliver before Sat. and that pick ups were not being allowed until after one delivery attempt was made. She did say that my delivery would be made on Sat. because it is going to my office, where someone will be all day. YEAH! The money was taken out of my checking account this morning.

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