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Prevent "accidental" in-app purchases


iPF Noob
If you have a kid(s) and they like to play with your iPad like mine do, you may be worried/concerned/anxious about them accidentally purchasing items while they're playing with apps. I know I am.

I found this tip from an iPad user on his blog and thought I'd get the word out.

How To Turn Off In-App Purchases on the iPad (and iOS)

by patrickj on February 2, 2011

If you’re a veteran iPad / iOS user you may want to look away as this is a very basic tip. But it’s one that had escaped my notice (despite it being right in front of my eyes) for some time, so I’m hoping it may be helpful to some of you.

If you have kids who use iPads or other iOS devices in your household (their own, or your shared ones), you may well have come across one of the App Store’s money pits: In-App purchases. My daughter is only 7.5 and she has racked up some silly numbers paying for power-ups and the like in a few games that shall remain nameless to protect the guilty. My wife and I have preached to her many times about how we don’t want her playing games that require frequent and expensive In-App purchases in order to advance in the game. We want her playing games where you make your way forward by skill and perseverance, not by putting a serious dent in our iTunes account.

Despite the speeches, we’ve still had some mishaps with In-App purchases, and we’ve had to put a few more draconian measures in place on the devices our daughter uses. In some of the iOS games these in-app extras can add up to some serious expenditure.

One measure that I had not taken until yesterday, because I had somehow not noticed it there among the options, is to just turn off in-app purchases altogether. Yesterday I finally spotted this lovely little setting option, and applied it immediately.

So .. if you have kiddos who get tempted by extra mojo in We Rule or other similar shortcuts within games, here’s how you disable In-App purchase:

– Go to the Settings app and tap on the General section in the left-hand pane
– Then tap on Restrictions over in the right pane
– If you have not already done so, start by enabling restrictions, via the bar at the top right. You’ll have to enter and confirm a four-digit passcode when you do this.
– Once restrictions are enabled, you’ll want to look at the first entry in the third section of the Restrictions pane – In-App Purchases under the Allowed Content section, and tap to turn it off.

That’s it. Once you’ve done this, your kids will have to manufacture their own mojo or get your permission for any one-off exceptions that may make sense.
In iOS 4.3, you have to use your password for any purchase, even if you just bought something 2 minutes earlier. Irritating for me, but it stops kids from making purchases.
I have ALWAYS had to enter my password to make any kind of purchase from the App Store or iTunes. Did something change?

There have been some instances in which kids or even adults playing games have selected upgrades or items in-game without realizing that they were in fact spending real money and running up a bill in the hundreds or thousands.

A few apps allowed in-app purchase of these items without requiring passwords.

Apple has weeded them out but there's probably some still out there.

Last time I used the App Store, if I had purchased something within the last 15 minutes, I didn't have to enter my password again. Don't know if this has changed yet.
I have ALWAYS had to enter my password to make any kind of purchase from the App Store or iTunes. Did something change?


It used to be that your password remained active for 20 minutes after a purchase. If you went back to the store within this time for updates, in-app purchases, or just another app it would not ask you for your password again.

The 4.3 update stopped this for in app purchases. The article I read was unclear as to whether it affected the purchase of apps themselves. Of course, you always could use the Restriction settings to prevent buying or installing anything. But lots of people are unaware of the restriction settings and what they can / can't do, so this is still a good article for parents, or anyone who shares their iPad.
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Just because I have a iPad does not mean my kids get to play with it, same with my computer or guns.

When they become old enough to understand how it should be used then I will teach them how to use the item. They mess up and it gets taken away.

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