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Big Business - game discussion

Feel very left out what with not having a port, nor being a high enough level to help with lipsticks, so I'm for moving the port thread elsewhere. However, it's up to the majority verdict.

On a side note, how many gingerbread do you think will be required? I'm likely to have 15 by the end of the day.

You really don't need to be high level to help with the port. I have filled milkshakes, coconut flakes, fruit cakes...and yesterday someone needed sugars. Just keep checking the neighbors when there ships arrive...you will be surprised to see what is needed.
You really don't need to be high level to help with the port. I have filled milkshakes, coconut flakes, fruit cakes...and yesterday someone needed sugars. Just keep checking the neighbors when there ships arrive...you will be surprised to see what is needed.

I agree with that. Sometimes my factories are producing high-end, time consuming stuff and I can't get around to producing sugar or similar items. So you're spot on there.
You really don't need to be high level to help with the port. I have filled milkshakes, coconut flakes, fruit cakes...and yesterday someone needed sugars. Just keep checking the neighbors when there ships arrive...you will be surprised to see what is needed.

Fair point, and I do keep checking friend's ports. But the question was with regards to whether this forum should be used for port requests, and I still think it should be elsewhere. All I seem to see on here is requests for thickeners and lipsticks - rarely sugar, milkshakes, coconut flakes and the other easier stuff (probably because they'll get filled up pretty quickly without requests).

Not trying to be difficult, just giving my opinion :)
Maybe it has value for some people, but quite frankly scrolling through pages and pages of posts like "Need lipstick please!" and "Thanks!" which lose all value after just a few hours just to get to a few posts that might be useful to a larger audience is very tedious. I don't think we would need more than 2 threads, but I think there is value in separating port-specific posts from the general forum.

(Player Name: Fred Diggitz / City Name: Stank Biscuit / Level: 32 / Need: more time to play BB)


I agree that sometimes lower level items are needed such as milk or sugar and that us lower level players could help with those. But it is very tedious scrolling through this forum trying to sort out the port requests and everything else that would be of interest to the general players not getting into the port challenge at the moment.

Having a separate threat for those posts allow people to go there when looking to get help on a port challenge or help others, and then keep the general conversations here. Also, since those port challenges are so time sensitive, usually by the time you read it and are willing to help, it's already done and gone. They become useless after only a couple hours.

Just my opinion...not trying to be a pain ;-)

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 33 Need: Trowels From: Chicago, Illinois :-)
Fair point, and I do keep checking friend's ports. But the question was with regards to whether this forum should be used for port requests, and I still think it should be elsewhere. All I seem to see on here is requests for thickeners and lipsticks - rarely sugar, milkshakes, coconut flakes and the other easier stuff (probably because they'll get filled up pretty quickly without requests).

Not trying to be difficult, just giving my opinion :)

Maybe they don't read this forum...but I think summer posted the shakes yesterday...

As far as different threads...I for 1 won't go to a new thread. During the day I have minimal amount of time reading this thread and when I do I can just skim through it. If I have to go to different threads for different posts then I will just skip the forum. There is a lot of good info here...just skim through till you find what you need....just my thoughts
Maybe they don't read this forum...but I think summer posted the shakes yesterday...

As far as different threads...I for 1 won't go to a new thread. During the day I have minimal amount of time reading this thread and when I do I can just skim through it. If I have to go to different threads for different posts then I will just skip the forum. There is a lot of good info here...just skim through till you find what you need....just my thoughts

Yes, yes I did, and as soon as I receive the ultimate Fill achievement I will start opening more low- and mid- level containers.

As for the additional thread, I am on the fence. On the one hand, it is a good idea to separate all please-thanks, on the other hand, it might turn into another social forum which is highly undesirable. I am okay with the new one if we all agree to limit it to requests-offers.


Thank you Sir, my ship is about to set sail.

{Summerville; the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 58; Charleston, SC}
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I think limiting requests and thanks on container request is a good idea, just needs self control.

By the way any of my BB buddies care to fill my containers with Soap? It would be much appreciated as I might be able to set this ship early with help from my friends....hehe

Name: Rikmondo City name: Rikville Level. 48. Needs: Drills, please.
Is it possible to get rulers?

city:Ananda / name: Ananda108 / lvl 46

Been on it for over a week and still yet to even see what that elusive ruler looks like. I think GI is fixing in an update as stated in there in game forum.

STILL PLAYING NOT PAYING(city:mikeyville lvl63 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)
Been on it for over a week and still yet to even see what that elusive ruler looks like. I think GI is fixing in an update as stated in there in game forum.

STILL PLAYING NOT PAYING(city:mikeyville lvl63 id:makoadef anchorage,ak USA)

It looks like situation with suitcases before..

city:Ananda / name: Ananda108 / lvl 46
Maybe it has value for some people, but quite frankly scrolling through pages and pages of posts like "Need lipstick please!" and "Thanks!" which lose all value after just a few hours just to get to a few posts that might be useful to a larger audience is very tedious. I don't think we would need more than 2 threads, but I think there is value in separating port-specific posts from the general forum.

(Player Name: Fred Diggitz / City Name: Stank Biscuit / Level: 32 / Need: more time to play BB)

Yeah Fred, no after sleeping on it, it makes sense. This thread has the general and strategy sharing. The port thread has well port stuff that is time sensitive and not likely searched as the general thread. I'd say let's try it, if it don't work out, it will fall back to this thread. Compliance may be an issue.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 58 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Yeah Fred, no after sleeping on it, it makes sense. This thread has the general and strategy sharing. The port thread has well port stuff that is time sensitive and not likely searched as the general thread. I'd say let's try it, if it don't work out, it will fall back to this thread. Compliance may be an issue.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 58 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

I was about to say something similar so I vote what's the harm in trying it out.

STILL PLAYING NOT PAYING(city:mikeyville lvl.63 Id:makoadef. Anchorage, Alaska USA
Has anyone figured out the economics of this situation: I have almost filled my ship. Thread is the bonus (6 hours=the initial 30 mins to get the cotton and 1 hour for paper, means 19 hrs (potentially), except I have one thread (just in case) and a paper, so 12 1/2 hrs. Is it really worth it to wait the 12 hours or send the ship off and get a new one in 6 hours?

I am leaning toward 6 hours with a new ship (unless I get thickeners or lipstick-tomorrow is the upgrade for those two, as well as mine and toy factory with big hammer help.)

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? (Haha! Just saw that movie the other night... again! classic!)

I would send it off because you start again in 6 hrs. Why not put that effort into the new bonus. B/c now you can only work the bonus for 12 hrs whereas you can work a new bonus plus new item containers. Go with more quicker opportunity than slower 1 job.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 58 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

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