Got 5 of 8 business cards in 4 days. Save your city credits for them if you want the blueprint. I will probably upgrade for lipstick, thickener, water guns, aluminum and cakes this weekend or early next week. You may consider getting a second mine and cosmetic factory. Radio factory is weeks away, need energy. When bridge complete, I will go for the hydro. It will be a long summer poking. I hope my iPad survives this game.
Thanks, that is what I will do. I want the blueprint.
Wll spent max. 4 days on that part of the tasks - expect to reach it after 3 days, that would leave me with 3 tries for placing twice for the silver medals, which I can do.
No problems with the compasses from the bookstores? I got 12 stores for it.
Guess I will begin in a few hours, when my 5th marble is ready - have 8 chiffoniers readyhope to get at least 2 for apple pies.
Concerning radio factory - I can cover you, normally have 4 cables and components at hand, or at least I camake 1-2 on top of 2-3 - just let me know, and I will cover you.
I am strongly considering an extra mine and chemical, indeed. I can buy the big power plant, then my electricity will keep me for a long time - still not reaching the 175.000 happinessso do not spend so much on entertainment.
Have 270 credits, so no worries there, at least for now. Will buy some slots.
When I need to upgrade the admin building, I will upgrade the chemical to level 5, enabling me to do thickeners. Also, hope to get my food plant to level 5 and then toy to 4, and maybe furniture a notch up as well. Then I will use the big hammer, so I pass it fast.
I feel ready!