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Big Business - game discussion

1 medal?!? For 288 (or something) cheese in the contest!?! So... At day 6, one would have to buy 11 medals if you placed every day (not sure ifbthere is enough time to use a medal on the last day) just to get the reward... That is some interesting business strategy. People MUST buy them or (surely- don't call me shirley) they would have abandoned this technique. What suckers we were to think that we could get the prize (or even 2 medals) in one day!

Omg I am with you. When I saw I placed and got one medal I couldn't believe it! GI makes no sense. Why on earth would they be so cruel! Yes now we can only maybe win 6 medals and will be forced to buy the rest. And I thought they were getting better but no, they are as sneaky as a sly fox! We are suckers for thinking they were really listening to us! UGGHHHHH!!!!!

city name: normal town. name: nickeli
Lol. After all we have seen from GI. I for one am not even trying to compete. I have 2 dairy so cannot match those that have 5 or more and lives that let them live on their phone or iPad. This game is a waste of time for all but the ultra rich or ultra foolish. However I am continuing to play once a day to collect money and wait to see if other more interesting tasks come along, but i am never spending another cent here. I don't even bother with filling containers anymore. GI have killed a very good concept, but that always happens when corporates get greedy.

Big Business - city name "Tri City" - user name "nigel1234" location - Sydney, Australia
Is anyone's port blanked out besides mine? All containers are white and says ship will sail in 0.00 minutes?

User: SeaDe / City: Seavile
Hi y'all I see I am not the only one with the malfunctioning port. What a relief........ NOT!


{Summerville - Elloriana, lvl 65 - Charleston, SC}
Hi y'all I see I am not the only one with the malfunctioning port. What a relief........ NOT!

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=46924"/>

{Summerville - Elloriana, lvl 65 - Charleston, SC}

I have the same so looks like a common problem! Submitted a ticket.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
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Is anyone's port blanked out besides mine? All containers are white and says ship will sail in 0.00 minutes?

User: SeaDe / City: Seavile

Same here. Tried rebooting, reset to factory, everything! Submitted a ticket. Game still very buggy. :(

[ Name: Ken55 / City: Singapore / Level: 64 / I love helping out in filling containers ]
I am having same problem with port and as for the new medals, you need to place in top 50 to get 1. Bottom 50 gets regular silver medals...that is a crock of dodo. Why waste time for something you have no chance to use. GI I am still not spending $ on your game and never will. I still play the game but I know I will never advance in the game because of the population requirement. It is up to 917,000 now since I bought the pet shop. I need 700,000 more to build a regular factory.
I am having same problem with port and as for the new medals, you need to place in top 50 to get 1. Bottom 50 gets regular silver medals...that is a crock of dodo. Why waste time for something you have no chance to use. GI I am still not spending $ on your game and never will. I still play the game but I know I will never advance in the game because of the population requirement. It is up to 917,000 now since I bought the pet shop. I need 700,000 more to build a regular factory.

I too am having port problem. As for contest top 4-20 gets 2 special medals. 21-50 gets 1 special medal and the rest gets silver medals. That is contrary with left side which says green prize is always 2 special medals.

On a good note my quarry was fixed with this last update. Only took two months! I have moved up to avocados. Have 8 over last month and have bought a double decker. Hopefully will finish tower soon.

Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 47
Bit confused as you guys are saying the new triumpher stele has to be built in a certain timeframe? I cannot see this and from the blog it says level 5 gives 31000 happiness and you are allowed 10 that would give a large chunk of happiness towards the next factory levels. Maybe this is there way of solving the problems giving us something to work towards

City: Oxford Name: Ghornblow Level: 43
1 medal?!? For 288 (or something) cheese in the contest!?! So... At day 6, one would have to buy 11 medals if you placed every day (not sure ifbthere is enough time to use a medal on the last day) just to get the reward... That is some interesting business strategy. People MUST buy them or (surely- don't call me shirley) they would have abandoned this technique. What suckers we were to think that we could get the prize (or even 2 medals) in one day!

Shirley, I agree. I picked a fine time to quit coffee. I only produce cheese for the coin.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Hi all, good luck on the impossible task, as it stands would be surprised if more than 10 people achieve this task no doubt we will be allowed! To buy additional awards later.

My gifts from friends suddenly disappeared and I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else either now or in the past. Sorry to anyone who sent me a gift as I cannot return one as I do not know who you were.

City name - Foxhall

I just sent you a gift

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Hi y'all I see I am not the only one with the malfunctioning port. What a relief........ NOT!

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=46924"/>

{Summerville - Elloriana, lvl 65 - Charleston, SC}

After trying a reboot, is the app up to date?

[ city name: Sprawlville level 64 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

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