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Black keyboard

thanks in advance. Can anyone tell me why that often times my black keyboard is displayed as the stock white key board in some apps? also, sometimes in those apps it will start as black, then I will touch a key and it either 1) changes all white or 2) changes all keys except the bottom row of keys white. Its got me baffled!!

Sent from my jailbroken iPad2 using iPF
Black Keyboard is not working properly on 5.x as noted in our tweak list - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak-applications-tweaks/25824-ultimate-list-jailbreak-tweaks.html

Also, it is not possible for some keyboard tweaks to work for a small selection of apps, such a Cydia and iFile, due to the way they are implemented. In these cases it reverts to the standard grey keyboard.

If you want a fully working keyboard of a different colour, the best bet is currently ColorKeybaordHD, which is a paid app which can theme the keyboard in lots of different colours including black.
Awesome, I didn't catch that since I got that tweak from a different forum. here's another brain buster. my keyboard will not automatically capitalize words for some reason. as far as I know, all of the settings are enabled for automatic capitaliZation

Sent from my jailbroken iPad2 using iPF
HowBoutThemPack said:
Awesome, I didn't catch that since I got that tweak from a different forum. here's another brain buster. my keyboard will not automatically capitalize words for some reason. as far as I know, all of the settings are enabled for automatic capitaliZation

Sent from my jailbroken iPad2 using iPF

specifically words that's start sentences.

Sent from my jailbroken iPad2 using iPF
I assume you mean you have Settings > General > Auto-Capitalisation turned ON? If that is the case, make sure you don't have other tweaks which would overwrite this. For example, ManualCorrectPro has the same feature which will override the main setting.
f4780y said:
I assume you mean you have Settings > General > Auto-Capitalisation turned ON? If that is the case, make sure you don't have other tweaks which would overwrite this. For example, ManualCorrectPro has the same feature which will override the main setting.

Ikeywi hd was the problem. It, for some reason, overrides all auto cap toggles.

Sent from my jailbroken iPad2 using iPF

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