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Brought my ipad to

I took mines to church one Sunday. Boy did the questions roll in. Once it was time wher eu read the scriptures. Everyone was glued to it as oppose to their own bible. So I use this thing for everything. There was another time this guy on the train was kinda showing off the hd2 watching a movie so everyone was staring at him till I took out the pad and was watching transformers in HD.
I took mines to church one Sunday. Boy did the questions roll in. One it was time wher eu read the scriptures. Everyone was glued to it as oppose to their own bible. So I use this thing for everything. There was another time this guy on the train was kinda showing off the hd2 watching a movie so everyone was staring at him till I took out the pad and was watching transformers in HD.

Great idea....I'll be sure to fire up spankwire mobile when I'm in church next time.
Im going to copy what someone else already put....most people are totally oblivious to what it is! I love to show my iPad off at work and have people ask me what I can do with it, but I must admit I get sick some times and wish people would just leave me alone to surf!
I dont think I would ever take mine out in public though, dont know why, just not something I would think of doing.
I have taken mine everywhere I go and have been swarmed at most places.

I went to the optometrist with my wife, she went in to see the optometrist and his secretary said hello, I say hello and sit down, she sees the iPad and stands up and starts talking from begins the counter then slowly comes over taking in general then goes oh an iPad, I spent the rest of the 45 mins there showing her how to have fun with it. She tells me she want to a restaurant the other day where she ordered her meal using an iPad.

At work I have invited to other offices to show the iPad to people working in different business on other floors in my building. At coffee shops and other places I have had people ask me about it. One guy sat next to me on the bus and stared at it until I asked him if he would like to see more then he was all ears.
I went to a Mexican place one evening, and after I took my iPad out to show SIL and her husband, the wait staff were standing around behind watching.
I take it out for lectures in class and I notice a lot of heads turning my way. I noticed the guy sitting next to me was constantly looking over. I was using iAnnotate (pdf reader app) that allows you to download lecture slides and well, annotate them! (type, write, highlight, underline, etc.). After awhile he taps my shoulder and says "can that thing take notes?" -_-

I don't mind answering questions but I'm rather irked by "So what can that thing do?" Such a vague question I don't even know where to start.

I never go to Starbucks (and if I do I never stay) so I don't often have the chance to "douche it up", so I guess my chance to show it off is only in class really.
I take my ipad out most of the time when I'm going out with my wife shopping. I try to find a place in a corner, with my back against the wall so that no one would come up from behind and surprise me and everyone that passes me by that shows interest has no choice but to come up from the front. No one really bothers me as I look at the person walking towards me way before he/she gets to me and most of the time, they turn around or pretend that they are looking for something and turn away :D Don't really want to be bothered. Now when I'm at a Starbucks or even Barnes & Noble, I try not to take it out of the bag..but that's just me ;)
I was in Starbucks the other day and I had a guy come up and talk about this iPad for a good 45mins.. I couldn't get rid of him!! I even packed it up and put it away.

Oh... maybe he thought I was cute? LOL
I actually bought mine to take to class so i could load my textbooks on it, as well as take class notes, etc. Thinking this would be such a useful tool since im in college and all, and wouldn't you know it first day of class, Teach says, "Also no electronic devices are allowed in my classroom. Because i know most of you will just surf the web or text during class, and it distracts me so i will not allow it."

Give me an F ing break, i paid crazy money to sit through your shitty class if i want to watch power rangers during your class i will. Especially since were in a auditorium with 500 students i'll take my chances that you cant see my ipad laying on my desk.
I actually bought mine to take to class so i could load my textbooks on it, as well as take class notes, etc. Thinking this would be such a useful tool since im in college and all, and wouldn't you know it first day of class, Teach says, "Also no electronic devices are allowed in my classroom. Because i know most of you will just surf the web or text during class, and it distracts me so i will not allow it."

Give me an F ing break, i paid crazy money to sit through your shitty class if i want to watch power rangers during your class i will. Especially since were in a auditorium with 500 students i'll take my chances that you cant see my ipad laying on my desk.

Good luck! ;)

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