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Brought my ipad to

I recently took my iPad out to take notes at a local meeting. I got a number of -- "is that a?" and "I want one". One person tried to pick it up to see how much it weighed. I kept a hand on it and said, "about 1.5 pounds". I sat there with my agenda and other notes while everyone else shuffled paper. I took notes straight into the agenda using Pages. It was great!
I'm afraid that if I bring it to star bucks or to any store that has to do with drinking liquids, I'll spill it all over the iPad lol.
i think it funny when i am sitting some place and it the older people who are not really into the whole computer screne and they are the ones who i will take the time to explain how the ipad works and what you can do with it and what you can not do with it ..

most time in the large citys it a great way to kill time when iam at work ..i just sit and have to wait for the installlers and the techs figure out the problem when the system is in test mode and i will grab the ipad and sit and play games into they say on the radio to start again ..

i call it my second brain at times for it will remember details when i write something down as a quick note when something is not right or when i make up the food shopping list i can check it off as it need .
I've taken one to a car dealership when my Miata was in for service. It was ignored but I was using it as a book reader at the time. I got a surprising reaction though when I was "playing" with one at the Future Shop. People were quite negative in their comments when they saw it. Of course, I told them how happy I was as an owner of one.
I laugh when I walk in a store or dining place, and You hear whispers from 3 or 4 different locations. "look it's an iPad," or in the faintest whisper some will turn around in line and look at me browsing the forum, turn around and look straight ahead about 5 seconds, and whisper to their partner "that guy behind us has an iPad,"
In a few days I'll be taking mine to the mall to pass time while my wife does some shopping..We'll see if it draws any attention. I know the Apple store there is jammed with people wanting to see it.
I stop at McDonalds whoever I can't find a Starbucks. My last trip to Starbucks was met with a curious fellow Mac user. I was happy to tell him about my iPad and the forum here. I would have expected more comments and interest from people.
I took mine on my school bus one day to show one of my good friends who is also a tech addict and of course like 3 other kids saw it and ofc had to play with it. They were just so shocked to see a kid my age have one. One of the kids even told me he was waiting for gen 2. There is obv a lot of interest at my highschool . I have also taken mine to panera but never had anybody come up to me. One time at panera tho I saw a girl walk in with an iPad my age which i thought was really cool but I didn't Talk to her. The ipad is a great conversation starter tho!
I actually work at a starbucks and I like to take my ipad to work so I can read on it and check my email while I'm on my breaks and lunches and such. but I hate people coming up to me and asking me things about it so I usually sit in the backroom. every once in a while I'll sit at the bar and I have had a couple people ask me how I like it and stuff.
Starbucks here in Manila don't offer free wifi anymore .damn! You have to buy an Internet card and they charge more than internet cafe's do!
I'm afraid that if I bring it to star bucks or to any store that has to do with drinking liquids, I'll spill it all over the iPad lol.

Liquids? I take mine on my boat all the time for music, weather, facebook, etc. I have mine in the apple case and it protects it well. We're jumping in and out of the water, mixing cocktails, etc.

Only thing I'm concerned about is whether the home button is waterproof. But apple must expect people to push an iPhone button in the rain and this button seems to be the same design so I'm not worried.

I would NEVER bring a laptop on a boat. Typing with wet fingers? Drinks everywhere? Struggling to read the screen in the sun? No way. But the iPad glass screen is perfect for this!
I think it depends where in the world you are.....and specifically what type of establishment you're visiting.

I remember taking my first gen iPhone (this is in Canada, first gen only available in the US) and I got absolutely swarmed anywhere I went. Once the iPhone 3G came out here, it seems like people would only question me at a local non corporate whore coffee shop. Starbucks had about 10 other tech savvy people sitting there playing with their iPhones already lol. :o

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