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BtStack Keyboard/Mouse better on 5.0.1

Keyboard losing connection

Good evening. Greetings from Italy. Congratulations for your forum which is very interesting. I need a help please. I have an iPad 2 with jailbreak 5.0.1. I installed BTstack keyboard and BTstack mouse. I own a Mediacom BT mouse and a Targus BT keyboard . At the beginning I don't have problems to connect keyboard and mouse as you advised to do and everything works fine for a while. However, the keyboard after about 30 minutes it loses connection and no longer can connect it again. *This always happens. I noticed that when I make the first connection next to the name "Bluetooth keyboard" there is the symbol of a keyboard. And close to the names of the phones that finds there is the symbol of a phone. However when I try unsuccessfully to connect it again next to the name "Bluetooth keyboard" appears the typical blue Bluetooth symbol. And the same blue Bluetooth symbol appears next to the names of all the phones that are nearby. If I try to click on "Bluetooth keyboard to connect nothing happens. . I tried to close the BTstack keyboard and turn off the keyboard, then to reactivate the application and turn on again the keyboard but it does not change anything. The only thing I can do is quit BTstack mouse and restart the entire procedure for the mouse and keyboard. Sometimes this is not enough and then I have to turn off iPad and do a restart. I installed the application PreventSleep but nothing has changed. What can I do? Thanks in advance and forgive my english.

P.S. No problem with mouse that keeps running even when the keyboard loses connection. If I stop using the ipad for a few hours and the screen goes black just touch the mouse and everything turns on again.
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I was just curious if there was any consensus on what the best bluetooth mouse to use with the ipad was.

Boy, getting a concensus on about anything at a place like this might be difficult, but I like the Logitech BT mouse. I can't remember the number (and it's not listed anywhere on the mouse itsself). It's smallish and has a two-tone Blue/Black top. Works just fine. I also have the MS Bt5000 mouse, but I haven't tried it for quite a while and not since I upgraded to 5.1 JB.

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
anybody an idea how to get all keys working on a logitech bt keyboard? like home key, music etc?
keyboad works fine under btstack keyboard, but special keys do not work

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