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Bweasel is a Supporting Vendor!

My web site has been hacked. Don't go there until further notice

I just saw this morning that my web site has been hacked by kaMtiEZ. I don't know yet what this all means, but, just to be safe, do not go to my web site until further notice.

5/3/2011 11:15 AM My web host sent me the following message which I do not completely understand.

We are checking into the issue and will be back to you shortly. It seems
that this is something on a couple of computers of people who have accessed
a certain sites at it shows this on your browser after you access a certain
site on the server then it will not show you any site. We are dealing with

(Typos above are not mine)

My web host tells me that now everything is OK and it looks good from my end. After talking with my web host it is my understanding that the problem was at the host’s site and not bweasel.com after all. I now invite everyone to visit my site and know that it is secure.

President, Bweasel,LLC
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Yes, they provide very sturdy and stable support

Nice cases. Do they hold the iPad in position good

Thank you for your interest. The friction of the kickstand can be adjusted to provide very stable support so the iPad can be used at extreme angles, even if you are a "poker" as opposed to a "toucher".

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