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Calenders won't sync on Mini-2 & ipad-3

OK, so Outlook.com could affect the Mini2 not syncing to the iPad3 calender.

"To make sure everything is there, login to outlook.com through a browser. You can also do it on your or her iPad in Safari"
What am I looking for here.
You're looking for the calendar events she added on her device that didn't sync to your iPad. They should be visible in the account online.
I checked calender associated with the outlook.com default email and the stuff I added with the iPad is there but not stuff I added with the Mini.
Check the default calendar on her mini. Go to Settings - Mail, Contacts, Calendars - Calendars - Default Calendar, and make sure the Outlook.com calendar is the one she uses.
Everything is setting is set up correctly, as far as I know. I check setting for setting on Mini2 and compared them to the iPad3
I might have to make an appointment at the the Genius Bar over at the apple store, it's only a few miles away. Don't know what else to try. I'll back both of them up before I go there.
Yes I did J.A. I just remembered that I did not try reminders or notes out. I likley will get the same results, but still worth seeing what will happen. Going to bed now, but will enter something in Mini2 & Ipad2 and check in the morning
J.A. I tried again calling appel, did not get it fixed, but he did explain that to sync any apple devices, it goes through an email account. My account is Outlook.com. He could ot get it to another device, said to get a different email address. Hmmmm changing over to gmail etc. email does not sound like a very good way to get the calenders to sync.

Still not feeling well enough to get to the apple store. I wonder if these guys that I talk to are the same as the guys at the Genius Bar in an apple store. You are correct about something being wrong with my email account setup. Of course you already knew that:)

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