iPF Noob
I'm very grateful for the timely feedback from both of you but before I waste any more of your time or mine, let me see if I understand this correctly.
The approximate order of applications are:
1. Take non-ePub documents created on or downloaded to my pc and convert them to pdfs.
2. Import or copy the pdfs (and my ePubs) to the Calibre or Calibre 2OPDS library on my pc.
3. Install the iBooks app to my iPad and establish a DropBox account for cloud storage.
4. Copy my documents from Calibre to iTunes on my pc in pdf or ePub format AND/OR copy them to my DropBox library.
5. Transfer my iTunes document library on my pc to iBooks on my iPad OR import the documents to iBooks on iPad as I need them from DropBox.
6. Somewhere within this sequence of operations, discover a method/format allowing me to import covers where there aren't any and a way to open ePub books in the iTunes library or abandon iTunes document library functions altogether and copy documents directly to iBooks on iPad from Calibre or DropBox (if possible).
7. Have a beer or two...or three, until the room is spinning as fast as my head.
Did I leave out any steps or put in more than necessary?
Margins, headers and footers...yeah, unnecessary space-takers on iPad's valuable real estate. I'll live with it if I must. I read somewhere that the Good Reader app allows one to eliminate this useless space from the document but then I forfeit the iBooks app. Regardless, with well over 500 pdfs on file, any efforts to improve their aesthetic qualities one by one is going to be impossibly tedious. (By the time I finish this task the iPad will be obsolete.) :ipad-back:
I'll be able to speak more intelligently about it when I can actually conduct some hands-on experiments with the iPad. For now I just want to get all of my documents in the right places and formats so they're ready for the iPad when I have it in my possession.
ePub formats work nicelily
for me in Calibre but are unable to open once copied to iTunes. I don't know why either, but I will try some other formats if iTunes is a necessary step in the process from documents with various formats on my pc to iBooks. If I discover anything that may be helpful to others, I'll gladly pass it along.
I was under the impression that one must utilize the iTunes application with any/all data for it to be useable on Apple peripheral devices, ie., iPad. I like it as a music library/player, but are you saying I can bypass it with Calibre (or 2OPDS) and/or DropBox and go straight to iBooks on iPad?
It would sure be nice if I could elliminate all the "middle men" in the equation, download iBooks to my pc, use it as the default document library for my iPad (in the same respect that iTunes fulfills this role for my iPod).
If wishes were fishes...I'll certainly give it a shot. Thanks again!
The approximate order of applications are:

1. Take non-ePub documents created on or downloaded to my pc and convert them to pdfs.
2. Import or copy the pdfs (and my ePubs) to the Calibre or Calibre 2OPDS library on my pc.
3. Install the iBooks app to my iPad and establish a DropBox account for cloud storage.
4. Copy my documents from Calibre to iTunes on my pc in pdf or ePub format AND/OR copy them to my DropBox library.
5. Transfer my iTunes document library on my pc to iBooks on my iPad OR import the documents to iBooks on iPad as I need them from DropBox.
6. Somewhere within this sequence of operations, discover a method/format allowing me to import covers where there aren't any and a way to open ePub books in the iTunes library or abandon iTunes document library functions altogether and copy documents directly to iBooks on iPad from Calibre or DropBox (if possible).
7. Have a beer or two...or three, until the room is spinning as fast as my head.

Did I leave out any steps or put in more than necessary?
if your PDFs have headers and footers (annoying little buggers) and you don't want to deal with them then you are going to have to learn a little regex. It's tedious and wether you try your hand at it or not may well depend on how neurotic you are about the end product's perfection.
Margins, headers and footers...yeah, unnecessary space-takers on iPad's valuable real estate. I'll live with it if I must. I read somewhere that the Good Reader app allows one to eliminate this useless space from the document but then I forfeit the iBooks app. Regardless, with well over 500 pdfs on file, any efforts to improve their aesthetic qualities one by one is going to be impossibly tedious. (By the time I finish this task the iPad will be obsolete.) :ipad-back:
I'll be able to speak more intelligently about it when I can actually conduct some hands-on experiments with the iPad. For now I just want to get all of my documents in the right places and formats so they're ready for the iPad when I have it in my possession.
Depending on what your PDFs actually are, you can make use of Calibre's capacity to translate them into a file type that plays more friendlily (didn't think spell check was going to allow friendlily!) with iTunes, like into .epub format./
if it is truly an .epub file that doesn
't want to open, then I am at a loss. I have never had that happen with an .epub file.
ePub formats work nicelily

I don't use iTunes for anything other than back-ups and syncing my apps. Just not a very user friendly program, in my opinion.
My Calibre library is on Dropbox. With Calibre2OPDS, I've created a catalog that can be accessed with Safari. This catalog not only has links to my books, it has phrases like "download this book as an e-pub." By pressing on that link, Safari will automatically open a page that'll have two buttons, one for the last app you used and another for "Open In." Press either one and bam! That app will open, your e-book will download and you are off reading. No fussing with iTunes. Just click and read.
I was under the impression that one must utilize the iTunes application with any/all data for it to be useable on Apple peripheral devices, ie., iPad. I like it as a music library/player, but are you saying I can bypass it with Calibre (or 2OPDS) and/or DropBox and go straight to iBooks on iPad?
It would sure be nice if I could elliminate all the "middle men" in the equation, download iBooks to my pc, use it as the default document library for my iPad (in the same respect that iTunes fulfills this role for my iPod).
If wishes were fishes...I'll certainly give it a shot. Thanks again!
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