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Can Android do that? Can iOS do that?

It's been a while since I've had the app, but you might be right.
It could either be a breeze, or a headache to manually add the numbers to that list. Depending on how many contacts you have. :D

Mr. Number would just look at your contact list, so the user had nothing to do. Any number not in contacts either got hung up on or sent to voicemail. Loved it.
Thanks...I have the page to it open in another window..but I'm not convinced it works as I wish it to. I want it to block any number NOT in my contacts, rather than letting me put numbers on a list. No one I know is bugging me, just those people who think they can make a living by cold calling or cold texting me.

it's been over a year since I used it, but I think you can have a white list... which is what your looking for..

Also for an earlier post, you can send apps vie your PC to phone from the android market. You can not gift apps, which sucks.

before jumping to android I was a heavy pages user on iPad, I created some KILLER docs with pages and iPad 1.... while making the switch I worried about this. Well android does have some nice office apps, however pages is still king.. :)

no rainbow six on android.

no MicroSD on iProducts, this is why I have an android phone, but for a tablet I don't need and SD card so iPad it is.

I LOVE my Galaxy note, but I don't use widgets really, and I have to this day NEVER been able to use live wallpaper (I only owns high end android phones) it always makes my top of the line phone lag, and drain battery..

iPad, has shogun! love that game.

what else.. lol
I currently have an android phone, android tablet, and iPad. As far as the email goes, you can make specific folders and have specific notifications for messages sent to specific folders on the stock android gmail app. This only works with gmail accounts if I'm not mistaken.

I've been a blackberry user for a long time before my iPhone. One thing I really loved about blackberry was email. One thing I miss on the stock iPhone is the ability to make rules that look at email content like who it's from or a keyword in the subject or body and then do something like notify me with a special sound when those rules get triggered.

I am wondering if other people have found option to do this on either iPhone or Android? Can either do that?
I want to be able to add attachments to Gmail on my iPad, Android can

I want to be able to save attachments in Gmail even if the iPad can not understand them, Android can (but I think that is related to my next wish)

I wish my iPad had a file system so multiple apps can access the same file without having to store the file off my iPad, Android can, but I don't think that will happen
KevinJS said:
I use only iOS devices.

My son called me from his iPod touch, using HeyTell (free from the app store) to ask if I could buy a game for him. I installed it on my iPhone 4 and, 1000 kilometres away, the game automatically installed on his iPod, several days before I could have done it manually. Can Android do that?

Yes. Android can do that. They just have to be logged into the same gmail accounts. It's a cinch to do. You can also do the same with the Amazon App store on android.
I want a Thumb Keyboard on my iPad 4G that has the features of this one on Android...


It has arrow keys, numbers, letters and common symbols all at once. The arrows and keys are very useful. Plus it is docked. The one we are stuck with is in the middle and very anoying because you can't scoll the screen up to uncover the box that you are typing in.

True, I like the thumb keyboard. However the iPad can switch back and forth with a pinch, I love that..
I only have an iPad 2 and an Android phone. I haven't really found anything on iOS that I can't do on Android (or at least anything that I feel is major), but here's some stuff I've been trying to figure out if iOS can do something similar. I suspect I already know the answer to these, but just in case I'm missing something.
  1. Easily add words to the dictionary. I am using the Swype keyboard on Android, and if I need to add a word to the dictionary is to type it and it asks if I want to add it, like this.
    From what I can tell on iOS, is I have to back out and go into my settings to manually add them, which is annoying and frankly a huge pain (I have to keep a mental list to add later or back out of whatever app I'm typing in to jump through the hoops to add words to the dictionary). Is there a faster way? Same with getting more than one word suggestion. Again, on Android if I misspell something (or sometimes even type in a valid word), I get a list of suggestions to change it to. I sincerely miss this when I'm typing on my iPad.
  2. Use different email signatures with different email accounts. Android supports this, but I know the default mail app in iOS is sincerely lacking in this feature that's only been available in every email program since the dawn of email (except for iOS), so are there apps that will allow this? As it is, composing email on iOS is useless to me due to me having several email accounts that require different signatures.
  3. Is there anything like Chrome-to-Phone for iOS? That's where I can highlight text in my browser or a picture or a webpage and just press a button and it pushes it to my Android phone. Or I can click an address and it pushes it to my maps/navigation on my phone or I can click a phone number in my browser to have my phone call it? I use it constantly, but would like to push things to my iPad as well.
  4. Is there anything better than Find my iPhone? I use an app on my Android phone (Cerberus) that allows all kinds of functionality such as setting up perimeters (so if my phone leaves an area, I get notified) and I can remotely take pictures or record sound, see all phone activity, etc. And it's all accessible from a web browser. From what I gather, Find My iPhone only works on iOS devices so I can't use my PC's browser to locate it? That makes it useless to me (since i don't have a spare iOS device lying around), so is there an app like it that's not so limited in functionality and that I can use from a browser?
  5. One of my favorite Android features is being able to install things from a PC/browser (I just go to the Google Play store and can install things to my phone from there). From what I can tell you can only buy things from the app store on the device or from iTunes, right? There's no browser-based iOS app store?
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I have an Android phone, and here are some great features that it offers that I couldn't do with an iPhone or ipad:
(1) wifi tethering is native to android and free (only possible with a jailbroken iDevice and the Cydia app is such an expensive one). I use my android phone to tether wifi when no wifi network is available for my wifi-only iPad
(2) I can plug my Android phone to any computer on the planet and it's immediately recognized as a USB key (no need to install drivers on the PC or a third party app). I can then just load the phone with pictures, musics, movies, ebooks, word docs, etc... I can copy any file from the android device to the PC... You can't do this with an iDevice unless iTunes is installed on the computer (and even then file transfer is not straightforward)... which is extremely inconvenient (my work computer for instance doesn't have iTunes on it)
(3) I have installed the Swype keyboard on my Android device... This is a revolution (especially for such small screens as smartphone screens)... Swyping is so convenient, so much faster for typing... unfortunately, Swype is not available for iDevice (I just wonder why?)
(4) Files can be shared between apps... it's so convenient and you don't have to waste storage capacity
(5) Web browsers in Android can pinch-zoom and wrap words... very convenient on small screen... Browsers on idevice don't offer the same convenience
(6) There is a great Android app called JuiceDefender that let me save a lot of battery juice : It is highy customizable. I've set it to put the phone on "airplane mode" during a specific schedule during the night. I've set it to switch data/wifi only when certain apps are running (this feature is user-defined). It will automatically chose between data and wifi, according to my location (yes! this is working very well: it will automatically recognize when i'm home and switch wifi when an internet connexion is required, and switch data only when i'm in the street)...
(7) There are adblock and firewall apps available for Android
(8) Screen widget are a nice add-on not offered by iDevices
(9) There is much less constrains when arranging apps icons on the desktop and within folders with an Android device

I love my iPad but I miss a lot of the above features, and items number (1) and (2) are the primary reasons why I will never buy an iPhone (another reason is the too small screen size of the iPhone), unless Apple's policy changes... Dream! Dream! :p
(9) There is much less constrains when arranging apps icons on the desktop and within folders with an Android device

Good list, but the above is a nice feature. For example, on my phone I can have the same app in a Music and a Multimedia folder. Or I can have the same app in a "Travel" and a "Maps" and a "Outdoors" folder. On iOS I could only have it in one folder.

One other nice thing (that I don't think iOS has) is being able to set up themes. For example, I'm 2 clicks away (one screen swipe to the left and an icon/widget press) and I'm in "Gym/Running" mode, which means my phone has exactly one screen which has a widget to track my workout and another with multimedia controls for my music. Likewise, I have a theme set for when I plug the phone into my car dock. And a theme for work (different wallpaper, less obnoxious ringtones, etc).

Likewise, I don't think there's anything like Tasker for iOS, is there? I could be wrong. Tasker lets me set up profiles so my phone automatically behaves differently depending on the time of day, or location or a variety of other circumstances. For example, my phone will only ring between 11pm and 6:30am if it's my boss or my wife or my parents calling (or if I get an automatic email from our network at work saying a backup failed or something). If there's a meeting on my calendar, my phone silences itself. If I'm not at home or at work (determined by GPS), my wifi radio turns off. If I insert it into my car dock, my bluetooth turns on (and turns off when I unplug it). At 7:00pm the phone enters "night mode" with a dimmed screen and a different color screen and a quieter ringtone, then switches back to "day mode" at 7am. I even have profiles set up for the 3 movie theaters I frequent so my phone silences myself if I'm there. It's awesome. Yeah, it took a few hours of tweaking to set up my profiles the way I wanted, but my phone is now a super-smartphone....as in it's somewhat intelligent and changes based on the current situation.

One other thing (and sorry for going on), but Android really has true app integration. If I've installed a new browser, the next time I click a link it asks me which browser to use (and if I want to always use it or just this one time). If I install a new phone dialer, same thing. If I want to use Google Voice for my calls, it asks me that as well. If I install a photo editor app, it becomes a sharing option in my gallery automatically (so if I'm in my gallery, I can just open up a picture in the new app or one of the other 20 I have installed). Even if I install a new navigation app (like Waze), the next time I click on an address to navigate to, it asks me if I want to use Google Navigation or Waze.

Unfortnately, iOS does none of that kind of stuff. I have Facebook installed...why can't I share a photo to Facebook from the gallery app on my iPad? Why do I have to go to the Facebook app? Yeah, you can install a new browser, but if someone emails you a link, it still opens in Safari and you have to copy the link, go to your other browser, paste the link in. You can't just click on an address on a webpage, or open a contact, or click an address in an email and navigate to it...something Android does out of the box. Yeah, maybe iOS6 will finally integrate this (it's supposed to have some non-Google-Map thing built in), but Android's been doing that stuff for years.

It drives me crazy, and I don't know why my iPad does none of that now. It's why Android users (myself included) believe iOS is so limited....because it is. I know this is an iOS site, and I don't want to sound like an Android fanboy, but when it comes to phones, I guess I am.

Don't get me wrong, I like my iPad...but I could never use an iPhone the way I use my Android Phone, and I don't picture ever switching.

And I hope this is ok to post, but there's a series of videos on Youtube comparing the OS's that anyone shopping for a phone should really view. They're Android biased, but it does show a lot that Android does that iOS just doesn't handle well (and debunks some myths or preconceived notions a lot of people have). Here's the link to the first one (there's 5 of them which you can get to with the related videos). If this isn't ok to post, let me know or a mod can delete it. They're long but worthwhile viewing, especially if you haven't actually used the competing operating system and just have preconceptions based on fanboy comments.

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