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Can anybody tell me if this looks normal? iPad 2 battery life issue


iPF Noob
To me, it feels like it's draining too fast. I could be wrong, though. Anyway, here it is.

Backlight: All the way down
Bluetooth: Off
Push Notifications: On
Email: Off
Wifi: On

Takes me about 7 to 15 minutes to read an issue. Anytime it's not in use, it's in sleep mode. I never turn it completely off.

10:55 PM EDT
Friday, June 01, 2012.
iPad Charge: 100%
Activity: Drained down to 20%, then charged to 100%

5:22 AM EDT
Saturday, June 02, 2012
iPad Charge: 97%
Activity: Read 2 issues of Amazing Spider-Man, checked the weather.

9:44 AM EDT
Sunday, June 03, 2012
iPad Charge: 94%
Activity: Read 1 issue of Amazing Spider-Man, checked the weather.

1:29 AM EDT
Monday, June 04, 2012
iPad Charge: 91%
Activity: Checked the weather.

4:04 PM EDT
Monday, June 04, 2012
iPad Charge: 85%
Activity: Read 2 issues of Amazing Spider-Man, surfed the web for about 15-20 minutes.

9:46 AM EDT
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
iPad Charge: 82%
Activity: Fell asleep while reading an issue of Amazing Spider-Man, iPad went into sleep mode after 5 minutes of inactivity.
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You should've tried an Android tablet before complaining :p
Anyway, I suppose that it's ok as you've got your Wi-Fi on all the time
I don't think he was complaining about it, he was just asking if it was a normal battery usage.

Being a new ipad owner myself it did not seem to be draining the battery abnormal.
You can download an app called boost magic, it should still be free. I'm convinced it's good, it seems to charge better when this app is on and it also breaks it down into how many hours:mins you have left on wifi, 3G, gaming, standby, music and movies etc. it should help you monitor it a bit better. I'm on mine nearly all day and only charge it when it needs too. I bought it to a wedding recently and the kids were playing on it for about two hours, my battery started at 70% and it was around 55% after that so it should last a while just depends how you use it really.

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