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Can iBook handle CHM files


iPF Noob
Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
United States
I am preparing to take a certification exam that is open book, open computer, open class notes in fact everything except the ability to call a friend for a lifeline. I am putting a bunch of documents on my iPad and really like iBook, I have a bunch of PDFs already bbut there is a data dictionary that is in CHM format.

Can iBooks reference this type of file?

Thanks in advance

The SASGeek
Falmouth Maine
I believe the answer is no. However, a quick search of the search term "CHM" in the App Store shows that there are a bunch of apps that purport to be able to read CHM. And, most of them appear to be free.

So, all I can suggest is to try one (or more) of them out... (I've never had an occasion to read/need CHM, so I wouldn't know of any good apps).

Wow, thanks for the instant reply, 5 minutes is really impressive, I guess you really are a "Super Moderator"
SASGeek said:
Wow, thanks for the instant reply, 5 minutes is really impressive, I guess you really are a "Super Moderator"

Super Moderator is like the forum police,
another possible solution is to look for a chm to PDF converter that runs in windows.
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Not that it needs to be said, but:

The only three formats iBooks supports are ePub, iBooks Author (.ibooks), and PDF. The PDF must not have DRM (Digital Rights Management).

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