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Cannot boot 4.2.1 redsn0w tethered after reset

kevbo... so much thank u for what u doing....... I googled a lot, finding no solution but I will surely give a seen at ur links......
I would open my iPad to disconnect the battery from the logic board totally resetting every memory ....
I let u know what happens without opening ;-)
Putted the iPad under charge......... I will wait that it gets a little of charge so I can try all the possible things :P
dfu mode failed says redsn0w.... but iPad is in something like DFU..... iTunes... nothing..
I think the last try is to open it..
Did you try another jailbreaking tool. Also go to other forums that are actually dedicated to jailbreaking and create a thread to see if others can help.
connect the device through usb.... i connect and.... nothing with pwangetool...
i'm thinking, if i erased everything, apple wont know i jailbroken this so maybe they will cover me with warranty??
Isn't DFU different from Recovery mode? http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-help/2987-how-put-your-ipad-into-recovery-mode.html I think you said you did that, but it might be something to keep trying.

I think the big thing is to get your iPad recognized. Does it not do anything at all when it is connected? Does it say "device not recognized" or anything? If you've tried recovery and DFU mode on several computers and the computer doesn't even realize anything is plugged in, then I might think it was the cable or charging connector on the iPad, although it seems weird that it would happen after having this problem (unless you've had problems in the past).

You might have more success at other, more technical forums for something like this. Let us know if you fix it. On the bright side, someone on another forum had the same problem while jailbroken and said they took it to an Apple store and they didn't ask any questions.
DFU mode is the thing you have to do if Recovery mode fails, or for jailbreaking, or if your returning your iPad and you want to change your boot logo to the original Apple one. I say though, try recovery mode and see if that works.
tomorrow I will bring my iPad to the Apple Store, I think they will surely change it..
It seems impossible but I think it had an hardware fault due the Jailbreak...
andry1234 said:
tomorrow I will bring my iPad to the Apple Store, I think they will surely change it..
It seems impossible but I think it had an hardware fault due the Jailbreak...

Nooooo...lol. Jailbreak does not and can not cause any type of hardware failure. User error ;-). If I were u I'd at least try to get it booted up somehow to make ur your iPad is restored and clean of jailbreak. Cause if u give it to them in the state you've been posting about, they will know and see a jailbreak has been done and attempted. Then they will hand it back and say ur warranty is void n they can't do anything. Try to get it working urself. Whatever u do, DON'T TRY TO OPEN IT UP URSELF...lmao. I see, from resding this thread from beginning to end u have had this problem for at least a few days now. I know it can be frustrating. Just keep trying different solutions. Have u tried the hard reset, while the iPad power is off, hold the sleep and home screen button down for like 30 secs. It will seem like a long time but keep holding till it reboots. This is a harder reset thn if done with the power on. If doesn't work the first time, keep trying it. I had a similar problem like u and I did what I described a few times and bam! I got it back to booting up normally. Good luck!


For the record people, PLZ READ UP on the jail breaking process and the proper steps to take to get it done. Problems like this can occur if someone tries to rush it without doing the background research on it or trying to install any and everything from Cydia, not making sure it is compatible with the iPad and your current iOS version. Always backup the iPad before jail breaking so u can restore in case something goes wrong, which is rarely unless the user did something wrong.

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I Am Facing A Similar Issue . . . I Didnt Jailbroke my Ipad 1 - 4.2.1 . . . When I Connect With My PC It Shows Unknown Device . . . :( Tried Alot ( Different Cables, PC, Laptops Even Macbook ) . . . Then I Reset With Erase All Data And Setting . . . Now It Shows Only Connect To itunes . . . Still My I Pad Is not Recogized By Windows . . . Why . . . Please Help Me . . . I Have Tried DFU Is Well . . . :~( . . . . I Just Got It Today Morning Only . . . Desperately Need A Help . . .

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