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Can't get jailbroken ipad to update.. Unique issue, see inside


iPF Noob
So what makes this one unique?
Prior to bringing the iPad to me, the previous owner had a tethered Jailbreak on 4.2.1 using Redsn0w.

At some point he then tried to re-jailbreak it with GreenPoison rc6.1
Which left it unbootable. It will not boot, even if I try to boot it tethered.

I have tried several things to get it to update to 4.3.3..
I have booted it into DFU with Redsnow.. No luck, I get error 3194.
I have tried to rejailbreak it with Redsnow.. no luck, I tried to re jailbreak with Greenpoison, same issue...
I have tried manually putting it in DFU and update.. nope.. Absolutly nothing will let me update it.

Any thoughts guys?
Stupid question, but at what state is it now, i.e. do you have 'connect to itunes logo' or just the 'Apple logo' Showing. or nothing at all...
Ok well, I made SOME progress.
I got it to restore to a factory load of 4.2.1 using the TSS server in Tiny Umbrella.
I still can't get it to update to 4.3.3, but I am sure I can get it to work eventually!!
We have a guide to solving 3194 which is in the guides section. You need to follow that to get 4.3.3 on there. It's happening because your hosts is NOT pointing to Apple. It needs to to get 4.3.3. Check the guide and try it out.
Oh GEE, I never thought of that!!
Did you actually read my friggin post?

No reason to be rude to someone trying to help you. Got it?
Well, to be honest, the poster obviously never even read the content of the question. So it is not really being helpful to post blind useless suggestions.

If the poster had even glanced at what I posted, they would have known that I had obviously tried all of that. So all the poster was doing was padding their post count. Not being helpful.

However, I managed to solve the problem. One I used the TSS server in TinyUmbrella to let me reinstall a non jailbroken copy of 4.2.1, I switched to OSX, I was working in windows... I switched to OSX and that allowed me to update to 4.3.3. So hopefully if someone runs into the same issue, this will help them solve their problem as well.

We have a guide to solving 3194 which is in the guides section. You need to follow that to get 4.3.3 on there. It's happening because your hosts is NOT pointing to Apple. It needs to to get 4.3.3. Check the guide and try it out.

Actually I had already checked that. This was not the case in my issue. Even after I re-installed 4.2.1, I moved to another PC Workstation on the domain I was at...This one has never been used to work on an iPhone or iPad, it was freshly imaged even. Brand new workstation... Even that one would not update the iPad to 4.3.3 from 4.2.1. I do not exactly know why, but the solution was once I repaired 4.2.1, was to use OSX and iTunes to update it. I had already tried with the borked JB'd 4.2.1 to update it to 4.3.3 and it would not from OSX.

Clearing out my hosts file and making sure my activation traffic WAS going to apple's servers was one of my very first steps. I am a Network Administrator by trade.

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Great attitude. I appreciate "unique" situations can be frustrating, but we try and be open, honest, friendly, and respectful in these forums. That encourages people to help, and besides that, it's just grown up.

I'm somewhat of an expert myself. I know what a 3194 means. It means you are talking to a signing server which is not responding to a valid challenge. Specifically it means you are talking to Cydia or localhost, neither of which are returning a valid response to a challenge to supply 4.3.3 blobs.

There are several ways to solve this, but the easiest is...

If you clear all entries for gs.apple.com from your hosts, put the iPad into DFU mode (NOT USING ANY TOOL), and restore in iTunes to 4.3.3 it will work unless you have not followed one of the steps correctly. This is a foolproof system. Apple makes it simple for a reason. It's why iPads (and all other iDevices) cant be bricked.

Only once you get the iPad restored with stock 4.3.3 should you use the latest redsn0w to jailbreak it.

Hope you get it fixed.
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viriiguy said:
Oh GEE, I never thought of that!!
Did you actually read my friggin post?

Yes I did. I'm not trying to get more posts into my status but in your post you did not state that you tried that. I said (in more technical terms) "did you restore the iPad with iTunes, update it and then jailbreak it". So please don't be so rude as I am only trying to help.

Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!
When I had this issue that I can't upgrade to 4.3.3, I quit all the work and just run the iTunes diagnostic on the network check and find that it always fail the last check (I think the check with apple server). I had already commented the gs.apple.com and this still happen. Even added those apple sites to the firewall also same. I'm using zonealarm. But after I quick the zomealarm, everything went smoothly including the upgrade.
I'm using zonealarm. But after I quick the zomealarm, everything went smoothly including the upgrade.

Yes, firewalls and anti-virus quite often get in the way if they are poorly configured or overly aggressive in their settings. It's good advice to check those when you have problems, thanks for your input. I'm sure the OP understands this being a Network Administrator by trade.
Man you Mods are too tolerant! The guy's original post is not very clear and didn't even say he'd tried to "restore" it prior to updating - then he jumps down biobunny's throat for suggesting just that. And you still help him out - save your time for polite people with problems!
Did you ever see Roadhouse? Be nice, be nice to everyone. That's why I really like this forum...they go the extra mile for all, giving the extra, officers and gentlemen. I always learn more from them. Thanks, Guys/Gals, just for being what/who you are! Frm a Grandma Geek.

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