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Cannot boot 4.2.1 redsn0w tethered after reset

subbikpm said:
I Am Facing A Similar Issue . . . I Didnt Jailbroke my Ipad 1 - 4.2.1 . . . When I Connect With My PC It Shows Unknown Device . . . :( Tried Alot ( Different Cables, PC, Laptops Even Macbook ) . . . Then I Reset With Erase All Data And Setting . . . Now It Shows Only Connect To itunes . . . Still My I Pad Is not Recogized By Windows . . . Why . . . Please Help Me . . . I Have Tried DFU Is Well . . . :~( . . . . I Just Got It Today Morning Only . . . Desperately Need A Help . . .

Apple store if you didn't jailbroke.
thank u for your time...
I assure u that I tried every possible procedure, software, timing, home sleep combination, etc... Everything....
This is an iPad that I jailbroke when the 4.2.1 was still tethered, so I'm sure that the NAND is totally corrupted after my "erase all" function.
Apple cannot be sure that my iPad was jailbroken, they can guess it but all the software is death, stop, broken....
I can say it's 6 months I no use this iPad and this is what happened... They won't answer me "No, it's not true, the warranty is void"..
I got a Genius Bar meeting tomorrow, in the Apple Store, we will see what happens

Anyway thank to everyone that helped me and stayed here listening my annoying things:p

Ah, I contacted the user of Macrumors, with my same problem and... He had his iPad immediately replaced by Apple...

The iPad totally dies, DFU recovery, nothing works.... Nothing can upload something to the NAND...
I Am Facing A Similar Issue . . . I Didnt Jailbroke my Ipad 1 - 4.2.1 . . . When I Connect With My PC It Shows Unknown Device . . . :( Tried Alot ( Different Cables, PC, Laptops Even Macbook ) . . . Then I Reset With Erase All Data And Setting . . . Now It Shows Only Connect To itunes . . . Still My I Pad Is not Recogized By Windows . . . Why . . . Please Help Me . . . I Have Tried DFU Is Well . . . :~( . . . . I Just Got It Today Morning Only . . . Desperately Need A Help . . .

This is very similar to mine, If u have an Apple Store or support near you... .Go there, it's better....
If u already tried to put in DFU and this one no works...... U got nothing to try more...
andry1234 said:
Today I went to the Apple Store and I had my iPad replaced with a refurb. one....

Glad to hear it worked out for you. Really great news. Now you can begin the fun again. Stay away from tethered jailbreaks. Sometimes certain apps from Cydia causes iPad to reboot anyways and if you are not around your p.c. Then you have problems until you do. That's why I only use untethered method. One time, and I'm done. No worries, no hassles, and I can reboot as many times I want and iPad and jailbreak will still work perfectly.
What firmware/IOS did your new refurb. U it come with?

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
Oh the firmware is 4.2.1....
It's pretty easy to have the iPad replaced cause they cannot demonstrate the iPad was jailbroken....
So this is the solution about this case ;-)
andry1234 said:
Oh the firmware is 4.2.1....
It's pretty easy to have the iPad replaced cause they cannot demonstrate the iPad was jailbroken....
So this is the solution about this case ;-)

Oh, ok then. Well u know green poison has an untethered jailbreak for your 4.2.1 ;-) lol like I'm on. If u want to check out, just go to green poison.com and download the appropriate app, either Mac or Windows, on your desktop. Process very easy n simple. I can understand if you don't want to jailbreak for a while though lmao

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
I did something similar to this the day I purchased my ipad, I thought it was completely dead, didn't want to return it as you get a refurb unit and my unit was new

my ipad didn't appear to turn on, wasn't recognised by pc / mac

hold power and home button until apple logo appears (seem's like it's forever but it's about 30 seconds)
once the logo appears release the buttons
then press then again untill the screen goes off
at this point the ipad will automatically reset it's self
when the screen is off release both buttons
then quickly press power button for 3 seconds
after 3 seconds keep holding power button and press home button for 10 seconds
release power button after 10 seconds
release home button after 15 seconds

the ipad must be plugged into a pc / mac throughout the whole process

personally altho I'm a mac convert I would recommend using windows through this process, as windows makes a noise when connecting / disconnecting the ipad

the above will put the ipad into DFU mode (connected chime in windows)

itunes may load up and say found ipad in dfu, make sure this is closed fully before doing anything else

I then used ireb in windows to pwndfu mode
finally restore custom firmware in itunes

when ever your using any jailbreak software make sure no other program is trying to access the same USB port, itunes cannot be running in the back ground

and finally patients is needed, take your time, read everything twice BEFORE you begin to ensure you know what the next step is

ask questions before you do anything, better to look like an idiot with a working unit than to look like a desprate idiot trying to fix something you broke because you didn't ask questions
My iPad was totally corrupted, no way to upload a firmware again.
I really changed my point of view on jailbreaking.... After today I understood that it's not so necessary for me...
andry1234 said:
My iPad was totally corrupted, no way to upload a firmware again.
I really changed my point of view on jailbreaking.... After today I understood that it's not so necessary for me...

Any luck getting a replacement?

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