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Cant Decide!

I wish I could be content to not own a smart phone. I hardly ever talk on it (mostly when I travel), but I have it with my 24/7. Weird, I know, waste of money in a way. My main uses for it are 1) email, 2) music, 3) pocket camera, 4) audiobook player, 5) reader, 6) youtube viewer, 7) backup nav, 8) finding places to eat in other cites, 9) Glee Karaoke (not that I can sing, mind you) 10) Alarm clock. I guess when I write this out I see that I do use it, just not much for talking.

Totally, my phone is really text message device, music player and alarm primarily.

I will remove my music from the iPad and keep a few good playlists and load my music to google and amazon.
I wish I could be content to not own a smart phone. I hardly ever talk on it (mostly when I travel), but I have it with my 24/7. Weird, I know, waste of money in a way. My main uses for it are 1) email, 2) music, 3) pocket camera, 4) audiobook player, 5) reader, 6) youtube viewer, 7) backup nav, 8) finding places to eat in other cites, 9) Glee Karaoke (not that I can sing, mind you) 10) Alarm clock. I guess when I write this out I see that I do use it, just not much for talking.

I look at it this way...........
I need a break from all this media overload as I deal with it all day at work and a lot at home.
When I'm away from all this I don't want another device strapped to my hip.

I have a basic cell phone with me only............yes, they do still make them. :D
Get iPad 3 apple sell refurbished for a big saving I got 64gb iPad 3 for £429 ! Not a lot of difference between 3 and 4 apart from speed which you probably won't notice ... Some apps loads a couple of seconds faster but for the dosh saving its worth the delay . Search google for apple refurbished
In my opinion I wouldn't buy the ipad 4, I still have my ipad 2 and everything works fine on it I tried the ipad 4 and I really didn't even notice a difference. The only way I'd upgrade my ipad is if it wouldn't support any apps that I liked anymore or it couldn't upgrade to the latest iOS.
In my opinion I wouldn't buy the ipad 4, I still have my ipad 2 and everything works fine on it I tried the ipad 4 and I really didn't even notice a difference. The only way I'd upgrade my ipad is if it wouldn't support any apps that I liked anymore or it couldn't upgrade to the latest iOS.

You couldn't tell any difference between retina and non-retina display? Hummmmm.
Huge jump from iPad 2 to iPad 3. Even bigger jump to iPad 4.
I've been playing around with my iPad 4 and noticed that its much faster than my iPad 3 using home wifi for some reason.
Like night and day compared to my iPad 1. My old iPad was so choked the click sound happens about 15-20 seconds after I press the off button.
On the same boat here...I was planning to upgrade my iPad 2 to the 4 when it was released in March '13, but the fact that it came around earlier is forcing me to make a decision.

Better screen, cameras and speed are enough reasons to upgrade, but no jb does not only mean no tweaks, xbmc, etc...currently it also means no proper Google maps and no nice youtube app. So I would be missing a lot.

I don't want to just buy it and wait for a jb as that is a horrible feeling I don't want to go through again (I got my iPad 2 on launch day).

So no upgrade for me for now and I will see who wins the race, the jb for the iPad 4 or new Android tablets with retina and a more stable release of xbmc for that os.
I agree with all here! I first bought the iPad Mini. I thought it was amazing! Then my eyes started hurting me. Exchanged for the iPad 4 and wow what a difference the retina display makes. And watched an HD movie on it and you feel like you're there! To me it's definitely well worth it. Good luck!
I can definitely tell the difference between a retina iPad and a non-retina iPad. And while I love the new mini, I do so wish it had a retina screen. I'm already planning to buy that model when it comes available. At that point, Apple will have achieved tablet perfection, I think.
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I agree with all here! I first bought the iPad Mini. I thought it was amazing! Then my eyes started hurting me. Exchanged for the iPad 4 and wow what a difference the retina display makes. And watched an HD movie on it and you feel like you're there! To me it's definitely well worth it. Good luck!

Agreed......the retina display on a true HD movie is absolutely incredible.
I played with the iPad Mini for quite a long time and while a lot of people like it, it's not for me.
The screen isn't bad but it's defintely not retina...........

Plus I just don't like the size.......easy to carry yes but much harder to use than an iPad 3 or 4 IMHO.
I'll stick with the full size model. :thumbs:

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