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Cant Decide!

I have a crap-ton of songs as well, so I feel you on the music. I personally think the best decision I have made with regards to music was signing up for iTunes Match. being able to listen to any album on the fly is freaking awesome. I can get in my car and just put my phone (I dont have my iPad hooked up in the car) and hit a playlist or genre or genius mix and hit play and I have non-stop music. When I need space, I just go into Settings and Usage and delete the music. It is always available and so far, knock on wood, I have not had any glitches.
I might remove the majority of my music because its all on my 64GB iPhone anyway and that is what I use to play music in my car or at home. I will leave just my favorite artists and some "party mixes."

I just dont know how to sync different play lists on two devices IE all my music to my iPhone while only select music to my iPad.
I might remove the majority of my music because its all on my 64GB iPhone anyway and that is what I use to play music in my car or at home. I will leave just my favorite artists and some "party mixes."

I just dont know how to sync different play lists on two devices IE all my music to my iPhone while only select music to my iPad.

The best thing to do (well, what I think is best ... because its what I do) is to put the music you want on the iPad into a playlist (or more). Then, you can elect which play list you want to put on the iPad. iTunes will keep them separate (it recognizes that the devices are different).

This way, you can keep your playlists sorted out and how you want them.

Get a amazon cloud account, for 20$ a year u get 20 GB of space and unlimited music.... I have most there and u can use the app and wifi to hear it any time u want...
Or just load all your music into google play. 20,000 songs is free. Ive got all mine in there and use gmusic to access it all. I dont keep any songs or videos on my ipad. Between google music and airvideo its not necessary.
Or just load all your music into google play. 20,000 songs is free. Ive got all mine in there and use gmusic to access it all. I dont keep any songs or videos on my ipad. Between google music and airvideo its not necessary.

That's fine and dandy if you have a constant WiFi connection (or you have a cellular iPad with a good connection)........
There are many times that I don't have a connection but still want music, videos, or other media available to use.

IMHO you just can't beat having all or some of your collection available on your iPad for immediate consumption.
I find the 64GB iPad is nothing to big.
buerkletucson said:
That's fine and dandy if you have a constant WiFi connection (or you have a cellular iPad with a good connection)........
There are many times that I don't have a connection but still want music, videos, or other media available to use.

IMHO you just can't beat having all or some of your collection available on your iPad for immediate consumption.
I find the 64GB iPad is nothing to big.

Im always in lte or wifi coverage so its never been a problem but your correct.
I probably should have coughed up the extra $ for 64GB.... But, I always have my phone with all my music on me. In the 1.5 years I had my iPad 2 with all my music, I listened to it....twice?? At most. I dont really need music on it but having some movies would serve me better i think.
I have the 64 just because I won't upgrade until this one craps out on me. Which if our other apple products are any indication, it will be years before that happens. Anywho....
I do have all my stuff on my iPad but I find that I don't listen to 99% of it at any one time. Even on my running iPod shuffle, I find that it is only 1gb full since if I add the other gig and have it full, I tend to skip more songs because I'm just not in the mood for them. Pairing stuff down just gives me my faves!
Anyway, another perspective on music and availability. Just because you can store all your "albums" in an easily carried device doesn't mean it's a good idea or even a good use of storage. I mean, do you really need the whole Billy Joel boxed set collection when you really only like a few songs?
I probably should have coughed up the extra $ for 64GB.... But, I always have my phone with all my music on me. In the 1.5 years I had my iPad 2 with all my music, I listened to it....twice?? At most. I dont really need music on it but having some movies would serve me better i think.

That's my solution. I listen to music on the phone, not the tablets. Also, I rarely need games on the phone, so those stay in the tablet. Audiobook stay on the phone, not the tablet. I take photos on the phone, but like to view them on the tablet. Productivity apps go on the tablet, music apps like spotify, pandora, etc, my live on both.

If you try to duplicate everything on each device, there is little point having 64GB on each...so you partition stuff up according some logic that works for you.
...I listen to music on the phone, not the tablets. Also, I rarely need games on the phone, so those stay in the tablet. Audiobook stay on the phone, not the tablet. I take photos on the phone, but like to view them on the tablet. Productivity apps go on the tablet, music apps like spotify, pandora, etc, my live on both.

Sounds confusing when you read it but I understand what your saying.
Bottom line is to customize each device to where you actually use the specific media...........each person will have different needs/desires.

Since I don't need/want a smart phone most of my media is right on the iPad..................seldom used stuff in the Cloud.
Sounds confusing when you read it but I understand what your saying.
Bottom line is to customize each device to where you actually use the specific media...........each person will have different needs/desires.

Since I don't need/want a smart phone most of my media is right on the iPad..................seldom used stuff in the Cloud.

I wish I could be content to not own a smart phone. I hardly ever talk on it (mostly when I travel), but I have it with my 24/7. Weird, I know, waste of money in a way. My main uses for it are 1) email, 2) music, 3) pocket camera, 4) audiobook player, 5) reader, 6) youtube viewer, 7) backup nav, 8) finding places to eat in other cites, 9) Glee Karaoke (not that I can sing, mind you) 10) Alarm clock. I guess when I write this out I see that I do use it, just not much for talking.

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