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Can't delete emails (yes, that old question, once again)


iPF Noob

I'm trying to set up my wife's new iPad & one problem baffles me. I've searched thru various forums and found this site to have the most complete and helpful answers, so here goes.

Like the title says, I can't delete emails. The error message is "Unable to Move Message/The message could not be moved to the mailbox trash." Elsewhere, I've found this solution:

On your iPad open the Settings App. Tap on "Mail, Contacts Calendars". From there tap on the mail account in question, then:
Account > Advanced (scroll down or clear the keyboard to see it) > Deleted Mailbox > On the Server > Trash (not Trash under "On My iPad")

I attempt to do this, but on the final step, I have a window that says "On my iPad/Trash/On the Server/Inbox". The first button, "Trash" is checked. Neither option can be changed; I can't uncheck "On my iPad/Trash" or check "On the Server/Inbox". Selecting the button brings up no other options.

This is a pop3 server, and the iPad is a "MD328LL/A" according to the Amazon site. I'm not sure if this is an iPad 2 or 3; it's just supposed to be the latest model.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

It sounds like you need to change your server settings. This can probably only be done on the PC in Outlook. I don't have a POP account, so I can't go digging, unfortunately. I just checked my other accounts, and the server settings are changeable.

Sorry to have to tell you that I can't help, but we have some members who likely can so check back often.
Well, thank you nevertheless. I find it doubtful that it's a server issue, as Outlook has no trouble deleting messages from the server (they're removed upon download). It's more likely something I've missed, I would suppose.
Just found this. It might be useful.

The ability to have your Trash, Sent, and Drafts folders on the server is only possible with IMAP and Exchange accounts.

The setting Kevin is showing you is to delete your emails from the server whenever you download them to the iPad. Don't do that unless the iPad is the only place you want to get those emails. For instance, if you also access them on a computer with the same settings, you would only get your email on one or the other machine.

I'm not sure why you can't delete your emails. My only idea is to delete and re-add the account, and hope that straightens things out.

It might be worth your time to check with your email provider's support page and see if they have IMAP or Exchange servers that you can use instead. In most people these work far better with an iPad, or any mobile device for that matter.
After trying (most of) your suggestions & checking my provider's website & forums, I eventually complied with the final untried suggestion of deleting & reloading the account. Perhaps I had done something wrong the first time, but that worked. She can now get emails & delete them.

Thanks, all, for helping absolve me of wifely agro.

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