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Can't delete old email addresses

Thanks Tim

I was just hoping one of the Apple guys dropped by and felt sorry for us, but alas, they already have our money so...

I do agree with you about the iPad. I personally think it's one of the best inventions of the 21st century. I am a cancer patient and spend a lot of time in treatment. The iPad makes it much more bearable.
Won't Hurt?

Oh contrair. When you don't pay attention to what pops up and send an email someplace where you really don't want it to go... it can hurt a lot!
This may not be of much help either.

But learned words do disappear after a while from the dictionary.

From my own biased experience this tends to happen, when the word has not been used for a while, or when it gets suggested, but you always choose a different solution.
I have same issue plus a new one that hasnt been mentioned. Please chime in if my story sounds familiar. Email is being sent out from my ipad or wherever that ive never sent out, personally. I get tons of emails saying mailing errors. Then itll show the recipients who were supposed to recieve the mail. I never personally sent those out. Its as if someone or the ipad keeps sending out email to addresse's that i never authorized or wrote personally. Its always oddball email addresses also. Like if i replied to a job posting on Craigslist, which i have done several times. Periodically id get an email with a ton of all the craigslist email addresses, saying that the mail wasnt delivered or was an error. This will happen many days or weeks after i sent original email response from ipad. I kmow the original message went thru but once i get email error, ot shows a date n time that i supposedly sent it off and never did. Its driving me nuts as it makes me feel like my account hacked or ipad has a mind of its own and keeps trying to send out emails to addresses ive already sent out to b4. I thinks its a glitch. Happens mostly with my aol account and noticed a few times with my yahoo account..lol im constantly deleting these emails n no way to trace it back. At least that i know of. All it tells me is to contact the email provider postmaster...lmao give me a break!

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