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Can't keep wifi connection active on home wifi network (Belkin), works fine elsewhere

When it comes to home wireless, whether B,G,N, doesn't really matter, the IPad sucks. I've learned don't ever turn the thing off because you may never get connected or stay connected. However; if I simply leave it on, all is well....go figure. How a strictly wireless device is having such trouble is beyond me. 3 laptops and 2 workstations have NO issues connecting wirelessly....ever. So many excuses but it does not fly with me at all. Maybe the next OS will fix it?
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Strange as it may seem, some people think that using a 802.11n router will improve the performance of their network that has only 802.11b/g clients. It won't. 802.11n uses different technology, including MIMO, to achieve higher throughput.

Not sure if this is helpful here. The iPad definitely supports 802.11n, and all my other wifi devices do too. I guess if you're using the iPad on a network that has older devices, your suggestion is "don't"? Haven't heard that one before.
The simple fact there is no real standard for "N " routers much that most people think there is and many new devices including the iPad and other tablets, phones plus gaming machines sometimes do not connect or connect and drop off without warning. The other issue is the security set up again it can cause problems I have replaced my clients routers and my own whom had problems with a N 600 or N300 net gear and all works great. In most cases the older modems worked fine with computers but in saying that we also found a couple ASUS new models were intermittent on Belkin modems 1 year old.

I think this helps explain the problem other users and I are seeing. The imprementation of the 802.11n or WPA specification in the router and the iPad may be slightly different, in which case the two don't work well together. This would explain why some routers play nice with the iPad and some don't. It would also suggest that the blame lays with Apple, since they should be the ones to put robust protocols in their devices guaranteed to work with most major manufacturers of routers. It also makes the case for any solution other than buying a new router pretty hopeless.

Thanks for the tip!
The issue seems directly related to the wifi security method. I had both routers set us to use WPA-2 with a passphrase (by the way, my 24" iMac has the same exact issue with dropping WPA-2 wifi connections). I changed the wifi back to WEP (128 bit) and haven't had an issue with dropping wifi since.

Together with the comment from col.bris, I think this goes a long way to explain what's wrong here. Perhaps it's the implementation of the WPA protocol that differs in some incompatible way. So who should provide a firmware fix? Apple or Belkin? I really don't like the idea of putting my whole network on WEP (every website I read on the topic puts a huge DANGER sign on WEP). Maybe I'll try it and let you know if it works.
linnormlord said:
Not sure if this is helpful here. The iPad definitely supports 802.11n, and all my other wifi devices do too. I guess if you're using the iPad on a network that has older devices, your suggestion is "don't"? Haven't heard that one before.

I'm using the ipad on a uk virgin superhub N router as me main DHCP and a netgear wpn824 b/g wireless router( access point )as second router for older device like a DS ,psp ,htc desire ,iphobe 3g,dell laptop ,asus netbook. Like i said on above post. It does and will affect certain wireless router if connected with b/ g and N device( crash).

Most 802.11n products will knock your throughput down by up to 80% if you use WEP or WPA/TKIP security. The reason is that the 802.11n spec states that the high throughput rates (link rates above 54 Mbps) can't be enabled if either of those outdated security methods are used.

The only exceptions are some products that are not Wi-Fi certified for 802.11n. The Wi-Fi Certification test suite checks for proper operation with WEP, WPA and WPA2. But if manufacturers don't submit their products for Certification, they may not lock out the higher rates. We also found early products using Ralink silicon also improperly enabled the higher rates when WEP and WPA/TKIP were used. But Ralink-based products that are Wi-Fi Certified now properly lock out the higher rages.

The bottom line is that you can only use WPA2/AES wireless security (or no security at all) if you don't want to throw away lots of speed.
[/quote]Reconfiguring your router/AP to improve iPad WLAN performance: This iPad WLAN support note posted by Apple indicates that the iPad does not always properly reconnect to a WLAN after being restarted or waking up. Early reports suggest this may be an interoperability issue experienced with some dual-band simultaneous routers when security parameters are not identical for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radios. To work around this, Apple recommends reconfiguring your router/AP to assign a different SSID to each radio -- for example, name your 2.4 GHz WLAN "net2" and your 5 GHz WLAN "net5." Alternatively, make sure the security parameters for both radios are identical -- it's generally a bad idea to apply the same SSID to WLANs that impose different requirements on clients. After renaming/reconfiguring your router/AP, tell your iPad to "forget" those networks so that it will rediscover and reconfigure all associated parameters (including security settings).
Hi all, i have the same problem with my Belkin N+
The problem though happened after i changed my previous iPad ( with fw 3.2) that worked perfectly with my router.
It suddenly presented a defect on the screen and i returned it to apple that sent me a new one (with fw 4.1)
The new one had the wifi issue, but i don't know if it's related to the new iPad or to the new firmware (i think this second)
I tried a lot of solutions, i didn't fix the problem but i found that activating guest secondary ssid the connection keep going (but you can use this only for external connection, and doesn't work if you need to connect to nas or other lan devices)
However i resolved using my old g router for iPad e keeping my Belkin for all the rest, but i hope that new fw 4.3 will fix this annoying issue once for all
iPad/wifi connect problem

After a year, I have a similar problem.

I purchased my iPad (Model MB293LL, iOS V 4.2.1) last summer has been working flawlessly on my Linksys E3000 wireless network with my iMac and my MacBook Pro for all that time. This morning I turned on my iPod to download a Kindle book from Amazon com, and received the following message: Cannot Open Page. Server stopped responding. Thereafter, I have been unable to connect to the internet with my iPod. My iMac works fine and the MacBook Pro which is located upstairs connects just fine. I have tried to connect to the iTunes store, Washington Post, and the New York Times via my iPad and receive pop up windows with messages similar to this: Cannot Open Page. This application cannot log you in due to low or no connectivity.

Obviously the problem lies with my iPad. Do any of you have any suggestions? I have already gone into my wifi settings on the iPod and clicked on "Forget this Network" and then reactivated it without any success. Do any of you iPad aficionados have any suggestions?:(
Most of the router issues can be solved with a simple firmware update, if there are no recent updates, I would try a new router, my belkin stopped giving me updates for lil over a year and after that nothing but problems, very happy with my netgear one works great!
Think it's been fixed

Hey all, experienced the same problem with my iPod touches and iPad once I changed to WPA on my Belkin N+ router. I'm usually pretty good about keeping up on the firmware but also don't rush into an upgrade just in case it'll cause more harm than good. Anyway, it looks like Belkin just release a firmware update as of March 4, 2011 for the version 2 router series. I downloaded and applied it last night and so far so good. Things seem to be back to how they were when using WEP. More testing to do but would suggest giving this a try. My model router is F5D8235-4 v2. Have two 2nd gen iPod touches and one original iPad that were all having this issue.
I have the same problem with a new NETGEAR router.
My computer (running PUPPY Linux) runs happily on the router all day but the IPAD which did access the net for two weeks now says that there is no Internet connection!

It indicates that it has a strong connection to router but can,t see the Internet!

It sounds like an IPAD problem to me!

How does one reset the Ipad's antenna?
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