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Cant transer pics

Also consider moving photos with Dropbox or Box.net. I process RAW files in Lightroom and Photoshop, size to suit myself for optimum viewing on the the Ipad and transfer through Dropbox. I just don't go through Itunes except for upgrades.
I am using windows xp sp2 and experience the same problem. Don't burn energy trying to upgrade your os. If you tweak the images the problem will go away 99% of the time. Reprocess them with imagemagick.

This is the command I run on my linux box against the images. I am sure this same command will work in windows land.
mogrify -strip -resize '1024x1024' -format jpg *

This will adjust your images so if you want them in their original format make a copy of them before running this. Test it on images that don't work. They should after it is run against them.
Also consider moving photos with Dropbox or Box.net. I process RAW files in Lightroom and Photoshop, size to suit myself for optimum viewing on the the Ipad and transfer through Dropbox. I just don't go through Itunes except for upgrades.

Diane, I am doing Droopbox. It works. But two issues...one...it resizes them before uploading and two...I can't organize folders. And a third, most important issue, iTunes should work as intended. When it doesn't work I want to help Apple as much as I can to resolve the problem. I have tried and they seem stumped...therefore, ergo, I quit. LOL If they want more info they will ask for it. Right now they have stopped asking.

I have other options for my photo lab. I would have liked to use the iPad but it just isn't feasable. I did get soem full size photos onto the iPad through Docs 2 Go, but they are not available in the Photo app and a PITB to navigate through.

I am using windows xp sp2 and experience the same problem. Don't burn energy trying to upgrade your os. If you tweak the images the problem will go away 99% of the time. Reprocess them with imagemagick.

This is the command I run on my linux box against the images. I am sure this same command will work in windows land.
mogrify -strip -resize '1024x1024' -format jpg *

This will adjust your images so if you want them in their original format make a copy of them before running this. Test it on images that don't work. They should after it is run against them.

Once the images are tweaked they serve no purpose to me. I can tweak them and put them on a USB flash drive and deliver to my clients if I want to do that.

Really...this is a non-issue to me now that I fully understand the limits of the iPad. I am now using it to surf the net, read these forums, check emails and watch movies. It simply is not going to be a photo tool for me. I pack 70 pounds into the wilderness...it won't kill me to take my laptop.

I feel like I have hijacked this thread. The only reason I respond to these posts is for the benefit of the OP. Hopefully he can fix his issue to his needs.

When u open drop box on your desktop in the folder jus right click and create new folder and call it what u want then click and drag and make your transfers.....but I jus looked at about 400 of pics I transferred a lil bit ago via drop box and the pics look horrible!!! Look 100% better doing sync via iTunes
Ok my bad! Im actually wrong.....they look great, guess it jus took a second to actually focus or bring the pic up completely or I was looking at then right after try transfered....but now they all look great! Now im liking dropbox!
The reason support people ask you to create a new user account is that Windows stores profile information specific to the user account (like icon placement on the desktop) in a personal registry instead of the computer settings registry. That way when something gets messed up it only screws up your settting and not everyone who logs into the computer. If some poorly written app (like iTunes) screws up your personal profile a "new user" won't have those corrupted settings.

That's why they ask you to reinstall iTunes first. To determine of the problem is in the application itself or in your personal settings. Obviously they want to preserve your preferences if they can.

If the new user account doesn't have the problem post here before removing your old account Windows has a tools for moving a user account to a new computer that can be used to "transfer" your files without transferring your settings.

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