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Cant update ipad2 to ios5.1

LoveRem36 said:
I go to settings, general, but there's no software named :eek:

When you press General, should see a Software line on the right, tap that and it will tell you what software version you are running.
error message on download attempt

i am getting the 'contacting server' message that never goes away when i try to update via itunes....
when i try to update directly from the ipad, via general/software update, i get 'estimating time remaining....' then after a few minutes "software update failed an error occurred downloading iOS 5.1"
i have turned the pad off completely, i have 1.5 gb available, the restrictions are set with installing apps 'on'....
any more suggestions?
What is dns?
Have you held in the on/off button until the apple logo comes on, that's how Apple told me to reset my iPad.
I hadn't used iTunes since I first set up my iPad. So I went to my PC And downloaded iTunes fresh, then hooked my iPad to my
PC and updated my iPad from my PC. And of course it put in the 5.1. I've ordered the new iPad (3) my iPad
Is the #1 64GB. WiFi but no 3G I was sad because the iPad 2 came out just 6 weeks after I bought my #1 and
I couldn't afford to buy another one, so had to wait for this new offering. This one will go to the family for
Playing games so I thought I'd jailbreak it for practice but I can't download the programs I need, I get a message
Safari cannot download this file. I hope we all figure out our problems together! Good luck.
My iPad is updated to 5.1. What I've been trying to do is download the 2 programs that I need to jailbreak it. One ends in sn0w and the oTher in firmware. I've sort of given up trying now all I get is "Safari cannot download this file" now I'm finding since I updated
To 5.1 that when I'm typing it is hesitating a few seconds and then spits out the word I just typed. It seems better today.

Also, is there a way to lock my iPad's page when I'm typing an email or a message on here? I am accidentally hitting send with one
Of my fingers not in use and ZOOM. Off goes my unfinished message, it's so frustrating. Can I lock the page in place until I'm
Ready to send it away? Probably not. I have

iPad 1 , 64 GB, WiFi. My iPad 3 will be here on the 19th. Yippee

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