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Celeste Bluetooth 4.3.1 working !

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But I'll say thanks....:D

Scotland - but my wife came from Liverpool.....
shellyready, celeste is a bluetooth program for your iphone (once jail-broken) it makes your iphone act like most other phones regarding bluetooth sending photo's and music to other bluetooth device's
Thanks for the link. Took a couple attempts but got it working (namely, I didn't read the steps all the way through and sorta rushed it :-) .)

Anyone else having trouble receiving files from a different cell phone?
rgu3t0, there's a tweak on cydia that allows you to pair bt device's, not sure of it's name and not used it personally but that may help with transfer issues
liverpoolluke said:
rgu3t0, there's a tweak on cydia that allows you to pair bt device's, not sure of it's name and not used it personally but that may help with transfer issues

Any idea on what it might called?
Action menu has finally been updated. Celeste is working again on 4.3.1 Just imported picture from my cell phone to ipad1 via Bluetooth.
I was surfing last night (Oz Time) and saw that "Celeste Bluetooth 4.3.1 " was up and running, I think its on special too @ $7.99, However I couldnt find if it worked on 4.3.2 redsnow. I dont wanna pay for a app that wont work....
Has anyone try it on 4.3.3 before I go ahead and buy it:)
MAcsure said:
keep us updated Sharky, Let us know what you had to do to get it running:o

All my friends used to call me Sharky. :) you can call me that. My other nickname is YoungOne.
Well i have tried... Alternate methods.... (don't kill me Marie) but i think i will just go for it and spend the $10 for it in cydia. I really want it. I take so many pictures with my phone because it has an AMAZING camera, but i want to get them to iPad to enjoy them without firing up my silly windows computer.
Young One, is there a specific reason why you want to use Bluetooth to send the images? Because if using wifi were an option, then Photo Sync would be a better and cheaper option. It's $1.99 and let's you send images directly from an iPhone to iPad. It doesn't even require a jailbreak :)

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