iPF Noob
Can anyone help me? I had used my work email as my Apple ID (stupid, I know), and I had had a personal email as my rescue ID. I just changed my rescue ID to another personal email address, but I am prevented from now changing my primary ID to the former Rescue mail address. I tried this in settings (for Apple store) and also at
Nothing is working. It displays my new 2ndry email as rescue, but keeps rejecting the personal email address, claiming that it's still the rescue email. Seems like it's a cache problem somewhere. I cleared cookies and history, but it's still not working.
I'm doing all of this via my iPad2.
Any suggestions?
Nothing is working. It displays my new 2ndry email as rescue, but keeps rejecting the personal email address, claiming that it's still the rescue email. Seems like it's a cache problem somewhere. I cleared cookies and history, but it's still not working.
I'm doing all of this via my iPad2.
Any suggestions?